Getting ready for camp

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With the Weaselings , Arabella is having a staring contest with Malikai

Malikai can't blink*

Arabella- Giving up bro ?

Malikai: Nope, I beat Jason before.

Arabella- That's because he is focused more on his muscles than his eyes.

Tigs- Oh , Jason, how do you feel when Tatyana smacks your rear ?

Jason: I feel so surprised.

Tigs- Since you do it to her all the time , do you like it ?

Jason: Yep.

Tigs- okay , you did say you were the mighty and dominant one of the relationship

Jason: Yep.

Ludel help JC, Gil, Hip, Hop, Magnolia, SkekTik, Nadya, Danielle, Elvis, Devon, Skye, Caramel, Parfait, Midnight, SkekEtte, SkekBelle, and SkekNak ready for camp*

Fifi cries hard with the motherd.


Ludel hugs her: Shhhhh, there there.

Tatyana cries and holds Nadya.

Tatyana- You are only 4 years old ! You're still a baby !

Danielle: Me want to go to camp!

Gil: Me too!

Tatyana holds them close crying.

Tatyana- No ! The three of you are still babies ! Jason !!

Jason: Yes?

Tatyana-( Cries ) Never let our babies out of our siiiiiiiggggghhht !!!!

Jason: Oh come here babe.

Tatyana cries and come to her husband

Jason hugs her: They need to make friends babe.

Tatyana cries on his shoulder as she knows he's right.

Jason: There there.

Ludel: My JC is 12 years old and my Midnight is 10.

Cherry-( Cries ) How dare you ?! How FUCKING dare you send my kids away without talking to me first ?!

Pentol: Sweetie, they're going to make new friends, but at least we have Penny.

Cherry-( Cries ) Screw you ! Everyone has millions of kids and we only have three ! THREE !!

Pentol hugs her and shushed her*

Pentol: Shhhhk, there there, cry on my chest.

Cherry cries on his chest

Pentol: There there.

They watch as their kids go in the bus.

Entity- I will never forgive Ludel for this.

Ludel: Entity, your child has to make new friends.

Entity has tears*

Going to camp KidneyWhere stories live. Discover now