Hello, Lover

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Third POV:

Carol bailed on her plans to get off the bus, and decided to stay with Wanda. She had planned to go to her brother's wedding, but since she hadn't cared enough to meet her future sister-in-law, she blew it off. The pair were currently laughing at a joke Carol had made a few moments previous.

"So, do you have any siblings?" Carol asked, a smile on her face. Wanda flinched. It wasn't an easy subject for her, and truth be told, she tried to get over Pietro as much as she could over the past  few years.

But, after all the chaos with her brother's death, she had finally decided what the best option was.

"No, I was an only child," she replied, scrunching her face.

Erase him completely.

"Ah, lucky, I have two brothers. They were a nightmare, growing up," she chuckled.

Wanda watched the blonde girl, as her facial features changed.

"Well, at least you had someone to grow up with.  I would kill to have my-- a brother," Wanda replied, catching herself before letting anything about Pietro slip out.

Carol hummed and allowed her short nails to run across the brunette's hand, in a ticklish sort of manner. Wanda's breathing hitched in her throat as Carol's skin brushed against her's. Light brown eyes met warm green ones, as a small smile spread across Carol's thin lips. 

"Uh," Wanda whispered awkwardly, slightly pulling away from the other woman. She could see the look of disappointment on Carol's face. "I'm sorry, I just got out of a relationship, and to be honest, I'm not so good at the whole 'dating' thing," she said.

The blonde woman scolded herself. "I'm sorry," she said, shaking her head. "You're amazing, and I don't normally get like this, but, I guess I really like you." A small blush crept up on her cheeks, which earned a slight smile from the brunette woman sat beside her.

Carol waited for her response, but when she looked up, she saw Wanda giggling, quietly. "That's adorable," is all she managed to say.

Carol let out a sigh of relief and embarrassment. Her cheeks were still pink, but she was more at ease, knowing that the beautiful woman beside her wasn't going to reject her completely.

"I'm sorry," Wanda said, trying to compose herself.

"It's alright," Carol chuckled. 

Before Wanda was able to speak again, Carol was being jolted closer to her, as a rude redhead pushed passed her, roughly brushing her body into Carol's shoulder. 

The witch looked up, immediately annoyed, and shouted, "Hey!"

"Wanda, it's fine, really, I'm okay," Carol reassured her, but much to her dismay, Wanda wouldn't sit down.

The woman spun around, and Wanda was instantly hit with beauty. The woman before her was gorgeous, flawless, even. The witch may have given the girl a compliment, had she not made such a dick move towards her friend.

"Is it so hard to say 'excuse me', or apologize?" She asked, her accent thick as she spoke.

After hearing her words, the redhead's mouth sat agape for a moment.

"I'm sorry?" She questioned, burrowing her brows together and tilting her head.

Wanda snickered, "Wow, was that a question? Do you have no human decency?"

The strange woman shook her head and smiled softly, "No, truly, I'm sorry, I've just had the worst day ever, and I have a killer migraine, I have no idea what came over me."

Her apology sounded sincere, but Wanda still didn't buy her act. She hummed in appreciation before sitting back down, and watching as the other woman made her way to the front of the bus, taking a seat near the driver.

"You really didn't have to do that," Carol said, slightly annoyed.

"People shouldn't be allowed to walk through life without consequences, otherwise the world would be complete chaos," Wanda replied, never once looking at the blonde beside her.

The pair were engulfed with an awkward silence for majority of the ride until Carol spoke up. "I think I'm gonna get off soon. It was great meeting you, and I appreciate you sticking up for me, but, I should probably catch a cab to my brother's wedding," she said shakily.

Wanda nodded slightly, "Alright. It was lovely meeting you." A smile spread across her face as Carol leaned in to give her a hug. It was awkward for both parties, even though they had spent all that time laughing as if they'd known each other for years.

Damn redhead, Wanda thought to herself.

The bus soon came to a stop, and Carol departed with a small wave to her new 'friend'.

Wanda sighed in her seat as she slouch ed down, and began fidgeting with her rings.

Natasha's POV:

"This is a waste of my time," she huffed into the earpiece.

"Calm down, Rushman," Hayward said through the tiny gadget.

The redhead sat with her back against a hard leather seat, on a crowded bus, waiting to spot her target. She'd been here for hours, but still hadn't caught sight of them.

"I swear, Hayward, if they don't make a move within the next five minutes, I'm getting off this damn bus," she growled.

"Rushman, knock it off, I don't need any lip from you today," he shot at her, asserting his authority.

The woman rolled her eyes, before observing her surroundings. To her left, there was a glass window, that was stained with God knows what, and to her right, on the opposite side of the bus, there was a teenage couple who were close to getting it on, ducking in their seat.

She scoffed in disgust before speaking again. "Alright sir, time's up," she said, brushing her thighs and standing from her seat.

"Rushman!" The angry man shouted in her ear.

However, before she could respond she was being called after.

"Hey!" A woman's voice called.

Natasha spun around, locking eyes with the beautiful brunette. 

Words fell from her soft lips, but the redhead instantly latched onto the woman's accent. Wait, she thought to herself. As Natasha eyed the woman more, she could see a red tint to her eyes, and her mouth fell slightly agape.

"I'm sorry?" She asked, truthfully. She was in such a daze, she hadn't caught on to what she was saying.

"Wow, was that a question? Do you have no human decency?" The brunette remarked, making Natasha's blood boil. However, she composed herself in order to respond to the woman before her.

"No, truly, I'm sorry, I've just had the worst day ever, and I have a killer migraine, I have no idea what came over me," she responded, trying to salvage the previous statement she made.

The brunette huffed and fell into her seat.

Natasha turned around and smirked, before sitting in a new seat on the bus.

"What was that?" Hayward asked, snickering.

"Sir," Rushman replied, "I found the target."

A/N: Hey all!! I know it's been a while, ugh, I've been so stressed you have no idea!! Anywho, hope you enjoyed!! Also, just wanted to let you know it might be a while before I post the next chapter because my next week is going to be SWAMPED. Ugh, yay life, right?

Love you all!!

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