Just A Friend

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Third POV:

Wanda woke as the light rays flooded through the curtain and hit her face, allowing a slight warmth to dance against her skin. She groaned, squinting her green eyes as she shifted around, allowing her body to wake up. 

As her eyes opened wider, she noticed Natasha awake, reading a book in the small plush chair in the corner.  Without looking up from the current page she was reading, Natasha spoke, "We should leave by noon." Wanda groaned again, shutting her eyes once more and rolling over in the sheets. 

Natasha rolled her eyes, finally closing the thick book, and placing it on the side coffee table. "Wendy," she warned, before crossing her arms and inching closer to the side of the bed. 

"Hmm?" Wanda mumbled, covering her head with the comforter. 

"Not a morning person, huh?" The waking redhead chuckled. As if in response, Wanda groaned once again.  "I'll take that as a 'no'.  Come on, we have to get going, Wendy," she said, ripping the pillow out from beneath the sleeping woman.  Her cold fingers brushed against Wanda's face as she did so, making the sleepy brunette shudder. Wanda, tucked securely under the thick covers, began running her hands up her smooth legs, and sticking them between her thighs to keep warm.  After a few moments, since she decided to stay in bed, Natasha rolled her eyes and ripped the blanket off of the younger woman. 

"Nat!" Wanda screeched, trying to claw the blankets back over her body. 

Natasha was taken aback by the nickname. She froze, and relaxed all her muscles. "Nat?" she questioned, her grip loosening on the blanket she had previously stolen from the now grumpy redhead. 

Wanda reached forward and lunged for the blanket, falling into a fit of giggles. "It's just a nickname, stop being so dramatic. I can't be the only person to ever refer to you as 'Nat'," Wanda snarked, rolling her eyes. 

Tears pricked Natasha's soft eyes as memories flooded her mind. "You're not," she replied, clenching her jaw. She quickly snapped back, focusing on the annoying woman beneath her. "Get out of bed, Wendy," she snarled. Wanda's eyes widened as she watched Natasha walk away from her, now pissed. 

She quietly slipped out of bed,  running her hands through her dark hair to comb out the snarls. 

She tried to move past the awkward encounter with some small talk.

"Misty told me that the home I'll be staying in is sort of like another group home for women, so, I'm sure you'll be welcome as well," Wanda spoke softly, picking at her cuticles.

"Mhm," Natasha hummed, slamming down a cup of coffee in front of the brunette.

Silence engulfed the pair as they sat, drinking coffee and eating dry cereal. Finally, Wanda had to speak up.

"Why don't you like the nickname 'Nat'?"

Natasha's eyes darted to her's in defense, ready to pounce on the woman. But she remembered who she was dealing with. A woman with endless capabilities. She wasn't even fully aware of why she was being sent after Wanda. So she bit her tongue.

"My ex used it, and she was the only person who did after my dad left," she responded softly.

Wanda was silent. She was angry at herself for not knowing but how could she? Natasha was so closed off.

"I'm sorry," she tried, walking over to Natasha to embrace her.

However she was pushed back. Wanda's eyes went wide.

"Why do you do that?" Natasha asked, biting ferociously at the smaller woman.

"What?" Wanda asked, her eyes glossing over.

"Make everything a pitty party? I don't want your hug, Wendy! I'm alright! Just because you're depressed and all about your sadness and emotions, doesn't mean everyone else is too," she growled, grabbing her paper coffee cup and exiting the small motel room.

Wanda was in shock. Natasha had known her for all of two days, and she's already getting sick of her?

No. She has an attitude problem, or that's what Wanda came to the conclusion of.

She sighed, tossing her coffee and plastic bowl in the trash can, and made her way to the bathroom to take a shower.

After she stood in the steaming water, liquid pelting against her skin, she heard a faint knock at the bathroom door.

"Come in," she said annoyed.

The door squeaked open, and in came Natasha. She didn't say a word, and Wanda was too busy to realize what she was doing.

After a while, the shower curtain opened, and the brunette eyes were wide and she was thrown off with confusion. "What are you--" she started, but Natasha cut her off.

"The lady at the front desk said there's limited hot water, so i figured I'd join you," she replied, trying to apologize with a soft smile.

Wanda was too afraid to look down. Here Natasha was, standing in front of her, naked! What was she supposed to do? Would Natasha be weirded out if she looked down at her body? Would she be offended if she didn't?

So she tried to carry on and continue doing her shower routine.

She turned her body towards the water, letting it drip down her face, when she felt Natasha's chin press against her shoulder.

"I'm sorry," she said, no higher than a whisper.

Wanda turned to face her, allowing no emotion on her face. Natasha continued, "Its been a really long time since I've opened up to anyone, or since anyone has really cared. I like you a lot, and I'm afraid if I let you know me too fast, you'll get spooked and run."

Wanda grabbed Natasha's hand, entwined their fingers together. "I want to know you, Natalie. All of you. The good, the bad, the ugly..." she finally allowed herself to look down, "the sexy." Natasha blushed.

"Good, 'cause, I want to get to know you as well. Every single inch of you," she husked, winking at the sexually frustrated woman before her. She allowed her fingers to dance along Wanda's shoulder, and Wanda tensed up.

"Don't worry, Wendy, I'm just a friend."


Holy cow, how long has it been?! I missed this, if I'm being honest. Love you all!! I'd love to hear your feedback and any comments you have!! ❤

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2022 ⏰

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