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05 | A Voice

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05 | A Voice

The rain was pouring heavily. The large waves pushed against the Dawn Treader roughly. Even below deck you could feel the hard jerks of the waves, shaking the ship. Kya was sitting in the map room, resting her hurt foot. Once again Lucy tried using the cordial on Kya, but it didn't fully heal her ankle. Kya concluded that it probably only healed fatal injuries, since so far she hasn't had any injuries that were remotely dangerous.

Lucy was probably fast asleep with Gale in the bed. Kya found it difficult to sleep with just Lucy, but now Gale had joined. It was down right impossible for her to get to sleep in that bed now.

The door of the map room opened, Edmund and Caspian entering. The two soaked from head to toe. Kya watched as Caspian grabbed a towel for each of them, trying to dry themselves off. Edmund leaned against the wall letting out a heavy sigh, his wet dark hair sticking to his forehead.

Caspian walked over to where Kya sat, taking a seat beside her. His eyes glanced down to her bandages up ankle. "Is it still hurting?"

"Not much."

Caspian nodded lightly, leaning his head back. The ship is still roughly jerking around, the loud sounds of the waves pushing up against the ship. Caspian and Edmund both looked exhausted and the weather didn't seem to be calming down anytime soon.

Drinian soon entered the map room, greeting the three before getting down to business. "So, we're stuck here." said Drinian, placing a token on their location on the map. "At half rations, with food and water for two more weeks, maximum."

A loud bolt of lighting struck, the boat giving one more rough jerk. Kya jumped slightly, gripping onto Caspian's arm. Drinian looked over at Caspian, before continuing to speak. "This is your last chance to turn back, Your Majesties." Caspian and Edmund silently locked eyes. "There's no guarantees we'll spot the Blue Star anytime soon. No in this storm. Needle in a haystack, trying to find this Ramandu place."

Kya sighed, annoyance laced in her breath. Drinian is quite the Mr. Positive. She thought to herself sarcastically.

"We could sail right past it and off the edge of the world." finished Drinian.

"Or get eaten by a sea serpent." Kya raised an eyebrow at her cousin's words. He seemed a bit too eager for that to actually happen. "Sorry," mumbled Edmund once he caught Kya's nervous stare.

"I'm just saying, the men are getting nervous." said Drinian as the thunder rumbled even louder than before. "These are strange seas we're sailing, the likes of which I've never seen before."

Caspian quickly got to his feet, Kya's arm dropping from his side. "Then perhaps Captain, you would like to be the one to explain to Mr. Rhince that we're abandoning the search for his family." said Caspian, his gaze boring into Drinain's.

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