It has been a couple days since the argument between Alice and Nassor. she sits at her desk in her bedroom, the curtains lightly blowing from the open window, a fresh of air coming in. She was working on an assignment for social studies class, a loud knock came from her cream colored door " Alice." said a familiar voice. " go away." she said, slamming her forehead against the wooden surface of the desk.
the door opened and it was nassor. His eyes were puffed from crying. He was heartbroken when he was scolded at by Alice. " lithen, Alice. I didn't mean to say those things about you. That's what I thought of you before I even knew you." he walks over, Alice moving her hand away like she was afraid to touch a dog. " before I got to know the person you really are and we are not different at all.." he said. " but that won't change anything! it was hurtful." she said, bundling her knees on the cushion of the chair. Nassor sighed " I know, and I am tho thorry for hurthing you." he looked down in shame, before facing him. " you know.." she paused. " I thought the same exact thing about you. but knowing you and I aren't different, it made me realize that I wasn't alone anymore." she said, before Nassor just stared at her, like he was gonna make a move, he debated against it but was about to do it anyways.
He walks over, and kisses her cheek gently, nassor scared that he did something wrong, making the girl blush a bit. " was that,, supposed to make things feel better?" she asked, nassor shrugging " I sthuppose." he rolled his eyes, and sat on her bed, Alice facing him. " I really am thorry Alice, I don't wanna lothe you." he said, trying to avoid eye contact with her. He can't believe he said that. All this time he's been in a cold shell and wasn't open with a lot of people due to being so quiet. But Alice,, she understands him and he couldn't be more grateful that someone, a girl such as Alice was there to aid him, and be there for him like his mother once did. He couldn't believe but, I think he started to not just like.... but LOVE her. he never wants to lose her for it'd break him.