It's been nearly two weeks since I've been to the BTS concert and met Jimin. Two weeks and I haven't seen or heard anything out of him. Honestly, I'm disappointed about it. I shouldn't have let my hopes up about it anyways, because deep down, I knew that I wasn't going to see him again. He said he wanted to see me again, but I guess that want didn't drive deep enough for him to seek me out. I understood though. He was an idol and I was just a normal woman working in a boring café.

Speaking of working in a boring café, it was the least bit boring right now.

It was the middle of the day! Why were there so many people getting coffee right now? Normally we were busiest in the morning.

I could feel myself begin to sweat. I was running back and forth between stations, running into my coworkers, and cursing under my breath every time the door chimed as someone walked in.

Out of all the jobs, why did I have to choose this one?

Finally, after what felt like forever, it seemed like most people were leaving. Then magic happened, the store was completely empty. It was quiet.

I sighed with relief, leaning my head against the counter. It was nice and cool compared to the heat that was running through my body.

"Are you okay?" My coworker, Ace, asked me.

I looked up at him, his white hair falling into his eyes. I'll never forget the first time I met him. I was an idiot and asked if he had dyed his hair white. He told me he was albino. I completely forgot that albino people existed. I never felt so embarrassed in my life.

"Uh, not really. My arms feel like they're about to fall off,"

Ace chuckled and swung his arm over me. Sometimes he made me feel like an ant. He was so tall. Easily the tallest person I knew.

"Aw, it can't be that bad, Ana," He ruffled the top of my hair. He was the only one who called me Ana. It was cute. "We've had busier days."

"Yeah, you might have had busier days. This is my busiest,"

Ace shoved me playfully, walking back to the coffee machines. "Do you want anything?"

"A mocha sounds heavenly," I walked over to him and watched as he made his French vanilla latte.

We fell in silence for a few minutes. It was nice. It was easy to just sit with Ace. He was never eager to start conversation and he never rambled on. He was very reserved. I liked that about him.

If I was honest, I think Ace has had a small crush on me since I started working here. He was cute, funny, and he just always seemed to remember what I liked.

He probably would be a good boyfriend. He was only a year younger than me.

Suddenly, the bell to the door dinged and I almost yelled out a curse.

Ace looked at me and laughed, walking to the front of the store to take the customer's order. I felt a small smile creep on my lips. I took a sip of my mocha, closing my eyes and savoring the flavor.

After what felt like years, I was finally taking the bus back to my house. Minnie said she would be there and that she would cook dinner for me. I smiled at the fact that she wanted to cook dinner for me--and I really didn't want to cook. So, I agreed and she said that she would have a plate of chicken alfredo ready for me when I got home.

I stepped off of the bus, stretching slightly. I walked the short distance to my home, listening to music.

Since the concert, I've avoided listening to BTS. Now, it makes me sad. I didn't want to hear Jimin's voice. It would just remind me about how he never contacted me. Which wasn't his fault, I suppose. I wasn't able to enter my full number.

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