The day of the ball part one

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"Enough with this princess crap. Just shut up. God just listening to your voice gives me a head ach. Ryjuu I order you to pay off the debt I have own to this stupid Host Club." I say to him.

"Whatever. "

Leiko's P.O.V

With that we left to go tour the rest of the school in scilence.

"You know that if I become a host you'll have to stay there evereyday. Right?" Ryjuu asks.

"Yes I am aware. I'll just stay as far as possible from those two." I siad.

"Well. I've explored the whole school. Let's go home." Ryjuu said and lead me to the limo.

Haruhi's P.O.V

I'm pretty sure we were all thinking the same thing..

What's with that girl?

We all stayed quiet for awhile longer. I was the first one to break the scilence. "What did you do to that girl?" I ask Kyoya.

"I don't quite remember myself. I really don't remember the girl at all." kyoya said and pushed up his glasses.

"What about you Tamaki?" i ask turning to him.

"She was in the same classes as me and was alway's in the back of the room gazing outside even though she couldn't see what was outside. She never really had any friends because people found it easier to bully and hurt people that couldn't see when you were coming. Everybody was scared that if they befriend her they would get bullied as well. So they stayed away from her like she was a disease that if you go near it you'll catch the disease and die. I noticed how she was so lonely so I went up to her and introduced myself to her. I guess you could say we became kind of friends but she still looked sad so I started saying random compliments each day trying to make her happy. And I sort kinda got a crush on her and said she was beutifull. Then the next day at lunch some girls came upt o me and we started talking. I told her I thought this girl was beutifull and I told her that. I had asked them what I should do then and that's when I heard a girl cryig. When I turned around I saw Sa- Leiko standing there. She said quietly. 'So I'm not special. Am I just one of your toys that you play with for awhile and then throw away and find a new one?' And then she ran away crying. I saw her running and a guy with short black hair and glasses trip her then laugh and walk away. The next day the teacher said Sakura would no longer go to school here and she moved to England. I never did get to clear things up with her and now she hates me more than ever." Tamaki explained. When he said 'a guy with short black hair and glasses' he glared at Kyoya.

"Well guys. Hostings done so I'm going to go home." I said and left.

Time skip the next day.

When I got to class the twins were ther talking about something.

"Hey Hikaru, Kaoru." I said to the twins.

"Remember Haruhi. Tonight is the ball and we have the Kanako plan as well." Hikaru said reminding me.

"Okay." I said. Right as I said that the teacher came in.

"Hello Class. We have two new students joining our class. Please come is you two." He said gesturing to the door. In came Leiko and Ryjuu. Leiko was wearing a black sweater that covers her shorts that are really short. She has tights on, black boots with small heals on them and her hair is down and she has her hood on. Ryjuu is wearing a leather jacket with studs on the shoulders, a black tank top type shirt. Black pants, black and white checkered vans, he also has a cross neclace on. his onyx hair is spiked and the tips of his hair is dyed blood red. Instantly girls swoon over him and talk bad about Leiko

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