Chapter 16: Golden Guilt

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After school Josie comes over just because she knows I am about to go out with Carson. My parents try to stop her but we just run to my room and lock ourselves in. Parents can be so oblivious sometimes.

"Josie, stop messing around. You know Carson and I are going to go out later."

"Maybe I don't want to share either." She says before kissing me.

I kiss her back and I feel my stomach flip when she pushes me down on the bed and gets on top of me.

"Josie—" I try to say something, but she kisses me again.

When I try to push her off, she pins my arms down.

"Magnolia!" I shout between kisses and she stops.

For a moment we just lay there catching our breaths.

"I love you, Kat," she whispers against my lips.

"Josie...I love you too. But—"

"No, no buts. You love me, I love you, what else is there?"

"But, I have to end things with Carson first," I add.

"Tonight, you'll end it tonight?"

"Okay, tonight. I will."


I nod.

She sighs and lets my hands go, resting her forehead against mine. I cup her face in my hands and lightly kiss her. She quickly kisses me back. I run my fingers through her hair and deepen the kiss.

She moans into my mouth.

The magic is there again, full force. The weird feelings I can't explain. That gooey mush that I become. It's so weird to be in love with someone you've known for a long time. Someone you never used to love like that before.

She slides her hands up my shirt and I help her by pulling back and taking it off, flinging it somewhere.

"I wish we were alone," she whispers against my skin as she trails kisses down my chest.

"Emm... me too. Maybe if we are quiet." I moan softly.

"Or," she straddles me and looks down on me. "You could blow off Carson and you and I could find somewhere more private to go."

"Josie," I glare at her.

She sighs and gets off of me.

"I just need a little more time, then you can have me whenever you want me," I say.

She pulls me into her arms and I nuzzle into her.

"Just break up with him over text or something." She grumbles.

Before I can respond the doorbell rings. I quickly shoot out of her arms and pull my shirt back on.

"That's just cruel," I say.

She sighs.

"Soon," I peck her on the lips before I get up and fix up my hair a bit before slipping my shoes on and going downstairs.

"Kat you are grounded," Dad says as Carson stands awkwardly in the doorway.

"We are just going for a walk," I lie.

Before he can argue I grab Carson's hand and run out the door.

Josie comes downstairs and we share a look before she leaves.

"I don't want to get you in trouble," Carson says.

"It's fine, my parents are stupid anyway," I say.

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