Chapter 25: Glitter Glow-up

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Three Years Later

I can't believe Josie and I have been together for three years, it's just one of those things that don't seem real. I didn't even really notice until Sage pointed it out. Now I can't stop thinking about it. Has it really been three years already? It doesn't even feel like it.

The plan started out simple enough, since Josie and I are on spring break and Sage and Sophie are free to, we thought we'd all hang out together, like old times. It's been way too long since the four of us were together like this. My friends in college did invite me to go to Cancún with them for spring break but I sort of really missed my old high school buddies. We haven't kept in touch as well as we should have, so I declined.

Josie requested off from work, and we packed a bag and met the girls down at Sage's family lake house, which they said we could stay in all week. Just a girl's week.

Well as we all know by now, even the most simple plans can go array. It was Sophie's idea to throw a party. And since we are 21 now and legally able to drink, even though that never stopped us before, we thought what the hell. And agreed.

Note to self, never agree to anything Sophie plans.

People from high school and some college buddies of Sage's came down as well. Sage and Sophie are both single at the moment. Sage just broke up with her latest boyfriend Martin. Says he was super clingy and obsessed with her. Who can blame him? Sage got even hotter, which I seriously thought was impossible.

Really not fair at all if you ask me.

As we were drinking around the campfire and the night was winding down, that's when Sage brought it up.

Josie had just pulled me into her arms and I rested my head on her shoulder.

"I can't believe you two have been together for three years," she said as she sipped her drink.

"I know right! We totally had a bet you'd break up after the first year," Sophie says.

"Seriously you guys?" Josie made a face.

They laughed.

"Has it really been three years?" I sat right.

"Yep, not to the date, but give or take." Josie shrugs.

"Damn, why haven't you wifed me yet?" I ask.

Everyone laughs.

But I'm serious, three years!? And I'm still only her girlfriend. What's the big deal? Am I not wife material? Is there such a thing as wife material? Does she not see herself committing to me long-term?


Why did Sage have to say something?

Now it's nagging me, eating me away. Soon my one drink became two then three. Josie had walked off to go get me some water because she could see me getting drunk.

"Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in." Bryson walked over to me.

The guy has let himself go.

Gained a lot of weight, no longer has those hot abs I used to love so much.

Poor thing piqued in high school.

"What happened to you?" I slurred out.

"What?" he asks.

"You look," I pat his belly, "different."

"Fuck you," he slaps my hand away.

"Do I look different?" I ask.

"I'd say you look even better than you did before," a voice comes up behind me.

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