<3 Do you love me?

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(Soooooooooo I got my phone taken and I'm using my friends phone rn but my updates will be slow since I'm not always on a computer. Thought yall should know. Bye bye have fun reading)

"He doesn't love you" Samantha said to me. "He loves me not you he is just trying to get his mind off of me." We were all at a party. I was with my friends and they went to go get drinks. "Could you please just shut up." I said getting irritated and kinda hurt. My past relationships weren't the best so I had trust issues. "Why? Are you scared he is gonna leave you for me?" She asked. "No I'm not now leave me alone Sam." I started walking away and she yelled something that I didnt want to believe.

"Just so you know we have been sneaking off behind your back." She said while trying to catch up with me. I didnt believe it but a part of me was still kind of hurt by it. I was sick if her shit so I turned around and smacked her. "I said leave me the fuck alone. Can you not hear straight." She stood there holding her face and staring at me. I walked away with tears brimming my eyes. It hurt to hear her say that. Vinnie wouldnt do that to me. Would he? I was snapped out of my thoughts when I bumped into Avani.

"Y/N what happened ? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" She asked. I had a lot more tears coming down my face as Samantha's words kept replaying in my head. "I want to go home." I said. "What happened?" She asked again. "Samantha happened." She knew immediately what I was talking about. "She kept saying how Vin didnt love me and that they snuck off together when I wasn't there. I dont want to believe it but hearing that hurts."

"Oh my God I'm so sorry." She said. " I'm just gonna go home I'll see you tomorrow" I started walking away until I felt someone grab my arm. I turned around and I saw Vinnie. "Why are you in such a rush? Where are you going?" " I'm going home. I dont want to be here right now. I want to be alone." He had a concerned look on his face and his hand went from my arm to my waist. "What happened? Did someone do something to you cuz I swear to God I'll-" That's when Samantha's words replayed in my head "Just so you know we have been sneaking off behind your back." It kept replaying and it wouldnt stop and I started crying again. "Babe what's wrong please tell me what happened." "Do you love her?" I asked. "Who?" He asked. "Samantha do you love Samantha." He had a shocked look on his face. "Babe we have been through this me and her are over." "Then why is she telling me that you love her and that you are only with me to get your mind off of her and that you guys have snuck off behind my back." I said crying a little bit harder. "You seriously believe that." He asked with some more softness in his voice. "No not really." I said. "Then what are what are and worried about?" "It hurt to hear Vinnie. I dont want to believe it but that hurt to hear. You know how my last relationships went and-" "And I'm not like them Y/N I would never do that to you." He said getting a little bit frustrated. "Shes trying to get un your head and you are letting her Y/N. Dont let her get in your head." After he said that I hugged him and he hugged back. I felt bad for all of this. I dont want to let him go. I love him a lot I just wanted to be sure that he lived me too. He kissed my head and hugged me tighter. "I love you ok. I dont love anyone else but you. Remember that ok." I nodded my head. "You still want to go home?" " No I'll be fine ill just avoid her." He nodded his head at my response. "Just stay by me ok." I nodded my head and we continued with the party. I stood by Vinnie and hung out with other people during the party aswell. The rest if the night couldn't have been better.

Authors note
I rushed this one ngl but I hope you like it. Give me some requests for future stories and I'll give you idea credits. If there are any mistakes (grammar and spelling) I'm sorry cuz I dont proofread 💪🏽😎


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