From My World trough Truth

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I clicked through my list on Netflix till I skimmed over fullmetal alchemist brotherhood

I haven't watched this in a long time I thought to myself and hit play and stayed up all night just watching fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood. I was rather tired when six in the morning arrived. I looked outside at the rising Sun.

*Yawn* "it's probably too late to go to bed now huh?" I asked myself. I shrugged and started season four. It sucks Netflix doesn't have season five, I don't know what else happens, or how it ends. I sighed.

"Emi? Are you still up?" I looked up at my Mother in the doorway "Emelia Riggins, why didn't you go to bed?" I paused episode two of season four.

"Sorry mum..." I said quietly to her

"Its okay," she said putting a hand on her forehead "I gotta go to work, don't leave, have any parties or boys over here!" She said raising an eyebrow

"You know me mum, I'll only throw an anime party with the TV, Netflix, and me!" I said pointing my thumbs at myself. She just laughed gave me one more good bye and left. i yawned and closed my eyes, i must have fallen asleep because when i woke up i was episode five of FMA instead, i have already seen it so i didn't care and continued from there.

i looked up at the clock, "nine-thirty already?" i got up and made a bowl of cereal and sat down and ate it, reading one of my FullMetal Alchemist manga's. i finished my food and put it back in the kitchen, i showered and changed my clothes then walked back over to the TV. i yawned again and hit play once more, but it didn't play, the screen just stayed white...

i got up to go restart the x-box. and when i walked over to it and touched the power button, it shocked me. and it hurt. i waved my hand in the air, cuz, that hurt. yeah, it really hurt... okay, anyways.

i looked up at the TV to see if it was still white, it was. wasn't the x-box, must have been the actual TV itself. i hit the little button on the side of the TV, it didn't shock me, thank goodness! but i checked the TV again and it was still white... now I'm getting scared, whats wrong with the TV?!

i just took a deep breath, and tried turning it off again. but i just sighed and looked the TV itself, closely. i leaned in a little to see if the pixels were frozen or broken or something... nope.

i touched the TV and the weirdest thing happened, my hand was able to go through it... being the stupid fourteen year old i am i stuck my head in. and what i saw made me freak out and fall in completely.

The Truth

i looked around for the white figure, i saw the door. and i turned around and there he was... white and, faceless other than his wide toothy smile.

"hello there." he said with his wide smile. i gave him a faint one and waved a little, he just laughed. "do you wish to see the truth?" i shrugged

"i know it comes at a price, and i don't know what it is s-" before i could even finish what i was saying the black hands came and grabbed me backwards earning a 'oof' out of me, and truth just laughed...

i was thrown into the gate in front of me and i saw everything, even stuff from my world's past and present. maybe even the future... it was so much to take in, i felt my brain on the brink of exploding. i saw my mother, my father who had left us, my brothers and people from Amestris. then when i saw them all flowing in the opposite direction i reached out my right hand. but when i had been thrown out of the gate back into the white void of nothing, the gate, and truth.

"you were right," truth said his grin bigger than ever "time for your payment" i felt my eyes widen in fear of what he would take. i closed my eyes, everything felt tingly to me, then i just felt like i was falling.

falling into nothing, into blackness, into the darkness.

i felt a pain in my back and my right arm... 'oh my god! did truth take my arm and my back?! am i going to be stuck in a wheelchair now?!'

i opened my eyes to see i was laying on concrete, and i was in a pool of, probably my own blood, and i forced myself up with one arm. 'thank goodness! i still have a back!' i was too tired to talk right now but if i am where i think i am i have to go get some auto-mail.

i forced myself onto my wobbly feet and held my right 'missing' arm with my left to hopefully stop all the blood flow. i looked around and i felt my face drain. 'if I'm in Amestris.... then I'm far from Resenbool and the Rockbelle estate... I'm in central' i sighed

"what am i going to do?" i mumbled to myself, i heard feet, boots on cement and that metalic clap, almost. i fell to my knees, 'The Fullmetal Alchemist' I thought and then I felt my consciousness starting to slip away as I fell to the ground loosing more blood by the second. I closed my eyes, i had heard that empty noise of armor walking towards me and a faint

"brother, look!..."

I'm sorry it's not up on a Friday, but it wouldn't upload at all so I had to wait and then it deleted itself so I had to completely rewrite, so my apologies if it kinda sucks.

~ KohaiOtaku

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