//Velvet Dog\\

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(Suggested songs: Ain't Shit by Doja Cat, Stir Fry by Migos)

"Y/N WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR LETS DANCE!! Connie, Marco and Annie got the drinks!" Sasha was screaming over the loud music and it made me laugh...she was so loud I'm sure the entire club heard her. She grabbed my hand and dragged me to one of the higher platforms they have in the middle.

"Y/n, please dance with me. What's wrong?" she asked with sadness in her voice. "Please don't tell me you're worried about Alex."

"Sash, I just don-" she cut me off.

"Don't what? He does everything in his will power to make you feel less than. We used to have so much fun, let loose. You're worth so much more."

She was right. I shook my head and giggled, I grabbed her hand and we started dancing. I missed the old me too, Alex knew what to say to break my confidence. Why? Why did I let him do that?

 Why? Why did I let him do that?

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"Thank you." I said as she twirled me around. "Where are the others?" I added as I realized it's been quite some time since they said they'd get drinks.

Annie's POV:

"YO BARTENDER!" Connie was shouting obnoxiously, how embarrassing.

"Connie, they're busy give him a second. You're embarrassing yourself." I said back as he glared. "Yeah whatever Annie."

Connie and I never really got along like the others, but we were complete opposites. It made sense, and didn't really bother me much. Marco on the other hand was quiet, just like me.

Another bartender approached me "hey! what can I get for ya?!"

They were so busy, I almost felt bad giving her my drink order. "Vodka Cranberry please!"

"Okay, anything for your friends over there?!" she replied, she must've seen me yelling at Connie to be patient. "Oh no, it looks like someone already took their orders!"

"Okay, one Vodka Cran-" she was cut off by that blonde that ran into me at the HOB. "Make that two please." The bartender smiled and took his card.

"This is for me running into you earlier, I'm still really sorry" the blonde said over the loud music. "I'm Armin by the way!"

"Annie." I smiled and my cheeks flushed.

"Nice to finally meet you...properly that is." he smiled, a little red formed on his cheeks as well.

The bartender handed us our drinks and I noticed y/n and Sasha coming to look for us.

Y/N's POV:

I finally got Sasha to come hunt down our friends in this large crowd. As we were walking we got a few compliments on our performance, which was nice to hear. We kindly thanked them and continued walking.

"OH! Annie's over there! Wait who's that she's talking to?" Sasha asked with a giant grin on her face.

"Ah, yeah I saw him run into her at the show. Looks harmless but I'm gonna go give him shit anyway" I smirked

"Y/n, here's your (f/d) sorry it took so long." Connie said as I walked over to everyone. I took my drink and kept walking to Annie.

"Hey Annie, this guy giving you a hard time?" I looked directly at the tall blonde man. He was handsome, piercing blue eyes, freshly shaven, in designer pants and a button up. Not my type, definitely Annie's.

"Uh, oh...no y/n. This is Armin, he ran into me at the show. He bought me a drink, we were just talking. He's actually about to leave." her eyes were wide, face was flushed.

"Ah, I see." I looked up at him while taking a sip of my drink. Armin chuckled and reached his hand out "Yeah, I have a long drive back home. It was nice to meet you....?"

I shook his hand "Y/n. Nice to meet you Armin. You're not from around here?"

"No, I'm here on business. I wanted to watch some of the bands before I left and when I ran into Annie I didn't want to leave without apologizing." he let go of my hand.

"Drinking and driving?" my eyebrow raised.

"Haha, no. My driver is taking me home." He pointed at a man in all black.

"Ooooh, fancy. Too bad, you could've hung out with us." I looked over at Annie and smirked. She hated when I did this, but I could tell she wanted his number...yeah he didn't live here but who knows. We could see him again, long distance works...sometimes.

"Don't mind her, you better get going. Your driver looks...angry." Annie said to Armin. Before he said anything back I looked at Annie. "Did you get his number?" her eyes went wide again, cheeks flushed.


Armin laughed, slightly embarrassed. "Actually, I was going to ask. Only if that's okay with you."

I slightly tapped her and nodded my head towards him while looking at her. She was giving me daggers, but turned back to Armin.

"Yeah, I'd like that. Sorry about her again." she replied and shot me a glare.

"No worries." Armin chuckled. "She reminds me of my best friend. So, I get it." he kept talking as they exchanged numbers.

Finally, I walked back over to everyone. They were all dancing, even Connie. He must've been drunk.

"Whta, the hell wsa taht abut"

Yep, definitely trashed.

"Nothing, just being a good wing woman." Connie looked confused but shortly went back to dancing around. Marco came over to me and twirled me around, and brought me into the group to join the dancing.

"Fuck you, y/n." Annie said sarcastically.

"You're so welcome, so where is he from?" I asked curiously as I continued to dance grabbing Annie's hand to dance with me.


"Oh shit, that's a far drive." She didn't say anything and continued to enjoy the rest of her night with us. It was nice to see everyone getting along.


The club was closing shortly so we all called an Uber to come pick us up. Knowing we would drink, we had an Uber take us to the HOB. Better safe than sorry. Connie and Sasha were passed out, thank god we all lived by each other. Dropping Annie off first, we headed over to Connie and Sashas place.

Marco helped me get Connie and Sasha safely into their beds.

"I love you, get home safe okay?" Sasha said to me before passing back out. I chuckled quietly.

Marco lived across the street so we walked home together. "Thanks for walking with me, you did a great job tonight Marco!"

He smiled and thanked me. We hugged and said goodnight, and I walked across the street. I grabbed my keys to get into the house, I noticed Alex was home. When I opened the door, I heard moaning.

I looked around and saw a shirt, then a bra, and some pants. No fucking way this is happening right now. Tears swelled in my eyes, and I just left. I walked across the street, knocked on Marcos door.

"Please be awake. Please be awake"

The door opened. "Y/n, is everything okay? Why are you crying?" Marco looked concerned.

"Can I stay here tonight? I'll be out in the morning."

He opened the door with a sad smile and I walked in.


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