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"Spencer move it to the middle" Kiara said getting annoyed at Spencer as he attempted to fix the big canvas over the couch. Kiara kept telling him the middle and he'd move it too far to another side.

"Bro it's in the middle" Spencer was getting annoyed with her constant nagging, they had lived together for about a month and they were just now Decorating.

College was over for them in just 17 days and it was time for the real world, Jobs, Taxes, marriage, kids, it was the appropriate time.

The rent for their apartments were starting to be to much for them to pay in full, moving in together made it easier for to split rent. Kiara paid the water and gas while Spencer paid the electric bill and cable bill, they had it in the bag. Vinnie wasn't okay with it at first, he actually really hated the idea of his girlfriend living with her ex boyfriend she claimed she was starting to fall inlove with, but he didn't want them both struggling in another state.

Speaking of struggling, Kio was struggling a bit himself. The Media had found out about everything that night, Paparazzi was hiding that night and they heard the whole conversation. The only good thing out of it was that he bagged a few dramatic movie roles. Kiara still spoke to Kio from time to time but she didn't as much as she use to because it made Vinnie uncomfortable. Two months after Vinnie Left, Kio and Lexi didn't become a couple, Kio didn't like like that anymore, he knew it was wrong but it was better to let her go easy than cheat on her throughout the relationship. Lexi was 30 weeks pregnant and healthier than a horse. That was just another thing Vinnie and Kiara had in come, neither of them wanted kids in their 20s, they wanted to ride it out until they're 30.

"You know what, just leave it. We still have to go get groceries" Kiara sighed before walking off to her room and putting on her white Nike slides.

When they got to the grocery store they were there for hours finding actually groceries and not Junk, Kiara had to call her mom to see what she was supposed to get about three times. When they finally got home it was dark and they both were tired. After helping put the groceries up they both sat on the couch taking deep breaths. They both sat there in silence, Niether of them felt like using their voice but Spencer wanted to ask her something he's been meaning to ask her for a while.

"Hey can we talk--" Spencer started, making Kiara look at him. Kiara nodded but before he could even start to say anything, Kiara's phone started ringing. "Give me a minute" Kiara said standing up and walking to her room to talk to Vinnie in private.

"Hey baby" She greeted him with a smile as he answered the facerime call, but that smile immediately went away when she saw the expression on his face. He looked disappointed."Hey, what's wrong?"

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