Untitled Part 1

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One finger went up to adjust the ear piece so it was in a more comfortable position. The heat of the sun beat down onto Agumon's the hood of the Digimon's jacket as his green eyes blinked a couple of times to stay awake. Tai watched the people carefully as he walked down the street, his mouth twisted up in a frown as he watched their expressions and hoped nobody noticed the orange reptile following him, or if they did they passed it off as a little kid dressed in a costume.

The yellow Digimon let out a contented humming sound before closing his eyes contently. "We're going to get Kari a nice big ice-creme to make her feel better, right?"

Tai let out a sigh as the yellow Digimon spoke. "I said getting her an popsicle would help her recover from her heat sickness better."

"Ice-creme is tastier. Plus, it was my idea to get you to come out and get her a treat. It's nice out, and Kari can't enjoy the sunshine – so you should do it for her."

"I think you just wanted ice-creme for yourself, and wanted to enjoy the sunshine yourself. The only reason I agreed is because you were making such a racket Kari couldn't rest." The young Digidestioned adjusted the ear bud hoping the Digimon wouldn't ask to share the headphones again.

"Taichi!" The voice caused Tai to pause, his head turning to look at Sora as she stood in the doorway of her mother's flower shop.

"Seriously... I forgot we were passing by here." Tai carefully removed the headphones from his ears. "And what is with her no longer calling me Tai, and instead by my full last name. That feels like a step backwards." The voice in his head added something to that. "At least she's not adding 'kun' to your name," and then came "she might as well be".

"Could you come and help me in the shop for a bit?" The young female flashed him a smile.

"Why don't you call Matt?" Tai narrowed his eyes in irritation.

"Matt's not here."

"So she uses his nickname still. Then again they're a thing." The brown haired Digidestioned let out a sigh. "All right. Agumon though needs to stay put in the back. He'll cause a mess in your mom's shop."

"Hey! What about getting ice-creme for Kari to make her feel better."

"You're the one who wanted ice-creme Agumon. I told you getting her a popsicle would be better for her heat sickness. We'll still have time to stop by the store after we help Sora."

"Wuss..." The yellow Digimon muttered under his breath causing Tai to turn and look with his eyes wide, as his mouth twisted down. The young male Digidestioned shook his head.

Sora bent down so she was on Agumon's eye level. "Would you like to take Kari home a flower from the shop? If you stay still in the back and be a good Digimon I'll give you a flower to take home to her?"

The Digimon's green eyes blinked a couple of times before turning his big yellow head to look at his partner. "Tai... why is Sora talking to me like you were talking to Kari earlier?"


Sora stood up and brushed her apron straight. "Tai... you really need to stop acting like your sisters mother. She really doesn't like it."

A blush spread across the young Digidestioned's face. "I can't help it. I don't want her to end up in the hospital again."

"With the way things are going you'll end up in the hospital before she does." Sora waved her hand to motion them inside.

Biyomon's head darted up from where she was placing plants onto the shelves. "Oh! Hello Agumon! Taichi!"

Tai let out a sigh before setting his head phones onto the counter. He headed to the back room and slipped on an apron. He pointed to a corner. "Agumon... go and stay over there."

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