Chapter 3: Sans Dies

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Sans slammed you onto the Yoshikage Kira-themed king-sized bed and growled like a mouse. "I'm gonna vore you like that one sandwich I had in 2007. It was fucking delicous." Sans said. He snapped his fingers for the third damn time and you were suddenly in a Lightning McQueen costume and sans was in a wedding dress that blinded you from how much it fucking sparkled like the empire state building god damn he was so fruity you loved it. You were about to do the conga when papyrus walked into the door carrying 28 hot topic and spencers bags, you also spotted a Claire's bag hidden amongst the black plastic. He stared at you. "What in the actual fuck brother." Papyrus looked between you sparkly fucks with a confused expression on his boney ass head. He began to eye the Yoshikage Kira-themed bed. "How much was that bed brother..." He dropped his bags and about 100 My Chemical Romance merchandise tumbled out, along with a single Monster's Inc. themed sock. Sans rumbled and tumbled out of the Yoshikage Kira bed. "Bro it was only 69420 million dollars." Sans said. "What in the actual fuck Sans." Papyrus bitch slapped his brother. "p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-papy daddy no!" you screeched like a fruit bat, but it was too late... sans had turned to fucking dust. "Hh shit." Papyrus whispered.

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