Chap 12

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"well... he is a jerk." Daris shrugged. "that he is. Don't mind him. I'm gonna get a drink for myself." I said walked towards the drinks section. When I'm out of their sight, I walked back and out of the ballroom.

I heard a cough behind me. I turned around and saw the devil standing there. I simply raised an eyebrow. "if you are looking for your date, Zoey then she is with her bitch friends near the dancing area. You are welcome, now can leave."

"I'm not here to look for Zo. I'm here f-"

"the main gate is over there, if you are finding the way out that is." I picked my dress up and started walking away only to have him block my way.

"what do you want, Lu - jein?" I asked, chuckling bitterly. "I'm sorry." he whispered. "of course you are sorry! Duh!" I glared at him. "I mean it! I didn't know that you are Ly, ok?!" he said.

"so? It still doesn't change anything, does it? You will still date that bitch! I know it! So get away from me!" I yelled.

"ugh! Ly I-"

"don't ever call me that! Ever! I hate you! It's Aylysh to you. And you are not Lu to me. The Lu I knew is a much better person than you." I freed my hand from his grip. He opened his mouth to say something but I interrupted him. "answer this one question, Lujein! Are you still going to keep dating other girls or are you gonna accept me?" I looked directly at his eyes.

"I- I- I... Ly, I'm sor-"

"answer the damn question!"

He didn't say anything but hung his head down. "that's what I thought. You won't stop. You aren't gonna change." I replied ignoring the hurt.

"I'm sorry, Ly- Aylysh. I'm sorry. But I love Zoey. Always have." those words were like tiny little bombs to my ears. A pang of pain and jealousy hit me like a brick of wall. I felt tears well up in my eyes. But I wasn't going to let him see me cry. I wasn't. So I wiped the tears away harshly. "g-good... good for you." I breathed out and turned away from him. Picked my dress up and ran away from him. Away from Zoey. Away from the party.

I ran all the way to my secret spot. The only spot where I can feel free without all the burden on my shoulders. I sat down on the bench and cried my eyes out. I didn't know after how long, how much of crying, I fell asleep.


I woke up to the sound of the tiny little fae creatures. They were playing with the water with each other. It was a very eye catching sight. Who would have thought these creatures even existed? They look so tiny and cute. So... unique and magical. Well, they are magical.

I stood up from where I was sitting and looked down at my clothes. I didn't care what I looked like. I shifted into my wolf and ran out of the woods and to my pack.

I saw Aaron near the border. "the fuck Lysh?! Where the hell did you go last night?!" he snapped at me worried. 'I'm fine. I wanted to be alone for sometime so I went somewhere. Don't worry. I just couldn't handle all the drama.' I mindlinked him and ran to the Alpha's estate with him high on my heels.

Once I reached the estate, Aaron gave me a t-shirt and a short. So I shifted back and wore them before entering the house. I saw my parents, my cousins and friends, and my extended family there including Lujein. As soon as I entered the house, they turned towards me.

Their worried eyes clashed against mine. Before I could say anything, I was attacked in a bear hug by mom, das and Xac. "god! Aylysh! Where did you go?! Did you know how worried we were?!" mom and dad started talking at the same time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2021 ⏰

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