4. The Setback

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Kaia's pov

School is exhausting. and boring. For the second semester, you would think that the classes would be harder. Didn't they have first semester to learn all this?

As its finally time for lunch I walk in to discover that the cafeteria is huge. I can't find Flash anywhere. 

My first thought is that he went off campus. I think he told me we could do that. Wait,  only the upper-classmen can go off campus. Which I think are juniors and seniors. Which is so weird to me. 

My second idea is finding that girl Michelle from this morning and then sitting with her today. But we only had like one conversation, so who knows if she'd even want me to sit with her and her friends.

Aside from Flash being my only friend already. The only possible friend I have made today was Mj. 

I'm perfectly ok with that.

After a few more awkward seconds of just standing in the cafeteria entryway, I decide to just give up and see who I can find first. Because at this rate, I feel like everyone is just going to look at me because I'm standing one place looking like a lost puppy.

As I walk through a few rows of benches, I spot Michelle sitting a an empty table reading a book.

"Uh hi Michelle, do you mind if sit with you?"

she looks up at me and says "call me Mj." Then she gestures to the seat in front of her and goes back to reading her book. 

So now I might have one friend other than Flash.  It may not be the amount dad is looking forward to me getting, but I honestly don't really care that much. 

As minutes pass, the cafeteria somehow gets even more crowded. The lines for getting a lunch are all incredibly long and almost every bench in the cafeteria is full of people sitting and talking to their friends.

Some guys were whistling at me I think. I could just be dumb, but the way a few of them eventually stand up and walk over confirm my suspicions. A few of them sit next to Mj and I. 

"Hey new girl, do you wanna come to a party friday night? we'll totally like introduce you to everyone. Only thing is, you'd have to choose one of us to go with as a date." 

I look at them up and down. I really don't want to be dealing with this right now. This is so weird to me and I just want it to be done already. 

"Uh, no thanks" I say as I stand up. Mj follows, and we walk to another emptier-looking table. The only other people sitting there are that Parker kid and his friend.

A few moments later Flash walks up to me.

"hey Kaia, where've you been? I was going to go out with some seniors off campus to get food. wanna come?"

"I thought you said we couldn't" I ask. My brow raising slightly.

"Kaia, if we go with the seniors, then the teachers will think that we're seniors. We'll blend in on the way out and in. I do this all the time. Haven't been caught yet." 

I look over at Mj. She leans in and whispers in my ear. "You should go, I wanna see flash get into trouble"

"Uh okay. I guess I'll go" I say.

"Great lets go." He says as he grabs my hand and practically drags me away. As we get closer to the exit, he looks around, puts his arm around me, and then we make way for the parking lot.

"Hey Flash" I start to talk as we walk out of the school doors.


"We should do something after school. Maybe you can show me around queens."

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