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Frank pov

Arggghh I'm still sleepy. But i need to get ready for the class. Will win come too or not. I'm not sure if phi will aloud win to go yet. Let's get ready first and have breakfast.

"morning mom, phi".

"hey phi where's my morning too".

"hurmm good morning mr. win, satisfied".

"hehehe morning phi".

"you're going to class today?".

"well ya.. I think I'm oka....".

"your not going anywhere. You stay at home".

"but phi luke i still have classes to go. Mom can i go to college?".

"well win i think your brothers right you should rest first".

"phi mew please i want to go to college. I'm okay now please".

Why does phi mew just silence from just now. He doesn't even look at us. Is something wrong again.

"win don't disturb phi mew".

"but phi...".

"what's all this noise are for?".

"morning dad, hurmm dad can i go to college today?".

"you're not going anywhere win. Same goes to you frank".

"dad what did you mean i still have classes to go dad".

"mew have you find a new college for your brothers?".

Wait are we moving to other college again. No it's not gonna happen.

"yes dad. I'm settling the paperwork today and i will bring both of them to their new college later".

"good transfer them as soon as possible".

I need to talk to phi mew later. Like for how many time should we change school, college. I'm tired of this thing.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Mew pov

"phi mew, please i want to go to college. I'm fine now".

How should i tell them that they need to transfer to a new college. I know it's not easy for them to adjust moreover for frank he's on the third year changing college will make it hard for him.

"mew have you find a new college for your brothers?".

"yes dad. I'm settling the paperwork today and i will bring both of them to their new college later".

"good transfer them as soon as possible".

I need to bring them to college and i still need to go to my office. I feel bad for my brother but that's how it works.

"if you guys finish your breakfast wait for phi at the car".

"yes phi". Win and frank answer at the same time.

"phi frank are you okay? Are you mad that we need to change college again?".

"win i don't understand why? Why should i....".

"enough..get in the car".

"phi.. Why didn't you tell us sooner? Can't we just stay at our old college?".

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