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Thank you everyone for choosing this stories. Sorry for the late update. I'm not feeling well. Anyways thanks for all the vote. I'll try harder to update and to reach your expectations ❤️❤️❤️

Gulf pov

It's started getting cold, i need to change my clothes. We've been playing in water too long.

"win, can i go upstairs and change my clothes".

"ya sure gulf, you can go ahead first. I'll come upstairs later. You know where's my room right?".

"ya I'll remember it".

I should take my shower first, then i guess i talk to win about my situation.
I don't know how will he react if he knows that I'm engaged.

Oh damn it which door is win's room. Why is it so many doors. I don't even notice those doors just now. Should i just wait for win. Let's see which doors. I think it's this one.



Oh my god. Am i dreaming right now. Why am i seeing phi mew in front of me. Is it a dream but it can't be. Wake up gulf you need to wake up.

"looks who we got here, Are you giving me a surprise?". He's shocked face always impress me.

"it's not a dream...". I hear his voice.

"well, it looks like I should prove it". His lips looks so delicious.

Shit it's real. He's here right now in win's house and he's kissing me right now. Wait no, we shouldn't.

"phi mew.. Nghhhh.... Phi... Stop it".

"stop it. Why you don't like it? Wasn't you're the one who come here giving me suprise?".

"phi mew, no I'm just here meeting's my friend.... But why are you here?".

"meetings friend, so i was rejected by you for this friend of yours?".

"that's not what i mean phi, I'm not rejected you... But...".

"but you choose your friend over me".

"phi mew, I'm....". Is he mad. Did i do something that offended him.

"ssshhhhh....., listen here gulf i don't care if you have many friends and i don't care if your friend is from a royal family, a rich person an artist. But what i care is when you choose someone else over me that's include my brothers or even your family".

That's smell, he released his pheromones again. I'm feeling dizzy his pheromones are too strong. My leg getting weak.

"gulf, do you understand?".

"phi mew, but i don't understand. I mean i didn't choose your brothers over you....wait...you mean... ". It can't be, no ways.

"welcome to my home baby boy". Hope you like the suprise gulf.

"gulf, gulf, where are you?".

Shit its win, he's looking for me. He can't know I'm in here. Wait he doesn't even know that I'm his brother fiance.

"so.....should we tell him this suprise....or should we wait for the...".

"let's wait... Can we tell him next week on our...".

"you mean our engagement party...i don't mind".

"i think i should get out now. Win is looking for me".

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