Follow The Trail

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We decided to check out where the two guys went and something happened that we had to call 911. The boys were out an hour and were dragged into a van. The coverts called 911 and followed the van. They called for back up, but as they were about to catch up to the van the bloody bodies were thrown out of the van as it was moving. They only had descriptions of the van and masked people, they couldn't figure out if they were male or female. Both boys were dead before they hit the road. The back up kept following the van and cops blocked them from their chase and they lost the van and the boys killers. The cops arrested my men. Carrick got them out. I don't understand fully what happened, but we have hidden cams built into to the coverts suits and cars as one of the many upgrades Jones established to catch scenes just like these.
Ashton and Douglas bank accounts and apartments were cleaned out with no forwarding information. It was done while they were in jail. Anderson their attorney had their power of attorney and acted on their behalf. That's all he told the police. They hadn't been able to get a search warrant for some reason. After looking at the cam footage the cops made sure the van got away.
Anderson called me and informed me he closed the boys accounts out and emptied their apartments out. He said an issue raised when the boys were grabbed. The van was being tailed and they threw the boys bodies out to make sure they weren't followed. They were followed by another car and the police were called, but luckily our fake cops had been following the van just in case and heard everything and blocked the second vehicle from following them. The real cops arrived and took the guys in the second car into custody. The van and fake cops got away. But the bodies thrown on the road is going to raise questions. I tell Anderson to find out who these guys were following the boys and the van.
I can't get any information on the guys arrested or driving the first car. I tried to find out there employer, but it red flagged my search as a security breach. Whoever they are they aren't who they say they are. Even the car registration is for a company that can't be found. I have no idea who they are and the attorney of record is not listed. But they were released very quickly. Someone knows how and who to get strings pulled. We didn't get their names on either vehicle. It has to be black ops, but why? Elena won't like this at all and now there will be more questions. I think it's time for me to get my family and get out of Seattle. I call Shelly and tell her it's time to head south for the winter. I tell her to grab everything and get out of here and I will meet her afterward. I have one stop to make. My attorney. I will leave after that. I grab my burner and call him and he is ready for me after the bodies of my clients were thrown from a moving van already dead. Charles Depew is a great friend and will handle things if I am killed. He has a lot of information about Elena and her activities.
Charles Depew
He is on his way, where are my children and wife Elena?
Not until we handle Anderson.
Let his wife and kids go for Christ's sake. They don't know who you are or what you look like.
Oh but they are in this and you are as well. I have to leave my men will handle this.
When will you release my wife and children?
Collateral damage happens all the time mr Depew, you should know that after your first wife and boys were killed by your previous associates. I recognized you the second I saw you here in Seattle. Now where is that evidence against me?
Conrad Davis
We can't find anything on you Elena.
Crap wrong Depew. Oh well take care of all of them without leaving a trace. They can be shipped with the rest of our cargo. No one will listen to them and even if they do they won't understand what they are saying.
I order the three men to take everyone to the cargo holds and chain them up. We leave them to their work. I am having the house burned and we are placing the dead bodies of previous victims inside it to find. All chained up. We left some incriminating evidence pointing to this Depew as the human trafficker in the area. My idea. I watch Elena as she smiles in anticipation of having fun with her submissives in her dungeon. The lady is one sick woman. Two 15 year old boys is here she gets her jollies off. I have my family well hidden from Elena. At least I hope I do. She is a very dangerous woman and you don't want to screw her in any way shape or form. She just opened a high end beauty salon another way to get in good with the Grey family. She is not listed as the owner of the salon. It is also another way to supply her trafficking business. Poor Anderson had no idea we had his wife and children when he called her. We just held the phone to her ear and moth and aimed the gun at her children. I will not kill for Elena, but others will and they can do that for her out of loyalty. Most prove their loyalty by dying for her while they follow her orders. I will never be one of those. I know way too much and am willing to die only to protect my family. If push comes to shove I will kill Elena myself.

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