Fred Depew

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Fred Depew
When Anderson failed to show up I am glad I got my family out of town and sent copies of his evidence to people who were above reproach and was already trying to get to the bottom of things Carrick Grey and Christian Grey were two of those people. Then an FBI Agent by the name of Sawyer. I know how close they are getting to me and have no doubt if I don't get out of here soon my death is imminent. I gave my wife all my cash and am having a credit card trail set up to lead to the master mind behind all this crime going on. One of her boy toys have plans for her and told me in private and told me she is looking for me. Elena Lincoln has no idea what she has created in this young boy. Even his psychiatrist is frightened of him. He has three of my credit cards along with his own box of evidence against Elena. Anderson and James Johnson junior we're definitely going to make her pay for everything she did. She hid the fact she was responsible for James Johnson Seniors death and that led to his son being put into a foster care home that Elena suggested. He was brutalized from day one and everyone turned a blind eye. She then made him her submissive. Then the real torture began. So he is my escape plan.
Three days later I am reunited with my family in Canada. I check the news and nothing has happened yet.
A couple of huge boxes have arrived at my office and we have it scanned at GEH.
Dad came in with two boxes like the ones Taylor was going through after he scanned for issues including bombs. They can't bring these things in unless they are scanned in a very special room before they enter the building all couriers have those instructions. So we start looking at all these things and I am about to get ill at the photo's.
I see what they have and call my brother and he has been given the same kind of boxes from Anderson by way of his attorney Fred Depew. That name Depew is familiar. His partner has reported him, his wife and children all missing. But when we look there were two different Depew attorneys in the Seattle area. Fred Depew is using his credit cards so he isn't missing that we know of. Frank Depew is the one missing. He had a huge case and he fail3c to show, which had his parter and the Judge reporting a missing persons report. The partner won the case after a week extension. Depew's home was searched and nothing seemed out of place. My brother Robert opened his own investigation after he got his own boxes. Kavanagh Media also got the same boxes of evidence.
Eamon Kavanagh
I can't believe what I am reading and I tell Kate she is not allowed to go to Esclava any more. She can go someplace else. I see that they also were targeted pretty young woman and they had several places she goes and I give her a list of what places she is to steer clear of for now. She has one of Christian Grey's body guards with her any time she is out in public. I decide to hire my own people to make sure she is safe.
I call my friends to come and help me with my problem. Carla and Steven Morton are people who can help me covertly. They can hide in plain sight. My salon has not been doing well. My best customers aren't coming here. I am wondering what's going on. I figure they can help me find out what is going on. Carla got me into this business to begin with. Her and Morton are a match made in hell. What one doesn't think of doing the other does. Richard and I were never like that. I have to have the crematorium thoroughly cleaned out after all the bodies that were burnt inside it. I have someone take care of it for me. My staff at the salon are quitting because they aren't earning what they were guaranteed. I had to close up shop because no clients. I had to pay salaries out my own accounts. I can't believe this happened. Carla was able to find out what was going on. She said word on the street was that young women were disappearing after a trip to my salon. Then she told me that an investigation was going on and it involved places I owned. Plus the college incidents were a huge issue. The police created a task force to investigate further after two if the guys were killed and thrown out if a moving van.
Elena what the hell are you thinking? I mean really, what happened to keeping a low profile? Missing persons reports and high profile ones. I am not sure yet, but you might have brought on the feds to investigate further. Steven and I think it's time to end her reign of terror here. Our bosses are thrilled with the profit margins here anyway.
I know what she is thinking and I know she didn't just arrive here as quickly as this to be supportive. She's been given orders. I wonder how long I have. Morton has been strangely absent during our talks. But it's not him I am frightened of. It's Carla and her crew. They don't kill fast, they love to see people suffer and she has no loyalty to anyone but herself. Hell she has even killed her own child. I witnessed her doing it after her daughter stole from her. I couldn't believe it, but she was ordered to kill the thief and she did as ordered to do. Later on we learned it was a test our boss created to see if we were loyal, it turned out her daughter was telling the truth and our boss set the girl up. Carla has hardened even more since that day.

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