Chapter 01

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Maybe one day this will all make sense.
I strummed the guitar, quietly singing the words I just wrote in my notebook. Then someone knocked on my door.

"Whoever it is, you can't come in!" , I shouted.

But guess what, that person opened the door and peeked in like they didn't get what I just said. Seriously though, these people don't know anything about privacy. Ugh!

"What did I just say Evina?" I asked her. She looked at me sheepishly and just entered the room and plopped on my bed.

"Why? can't I talk to my sister?" She said as she pulled on a loose thread in her jeans.

"Whatever you say. Anyway what are you really doing here? Shouldn't you be in college?"

She sighed heavily and looked up at the ceiling. "It doesn't matter Jennifer. I'm here to hear you out. Mom told me, but I need to know the full story" Evina said  looking sympathetically at me.

"Why do you need to hear it? So you can make fun of me? If so, I'm not in the mood"
I said as I stood up from the floor mat  near the bed I was sitting just now, to keep my guitar on the stand.

"We both know I don't do that Jennifer. I'm not like the other two idiots" she said. I heard her giggle a little.

I turned around from the guitar stand in the corner of my room and said, "Okay fine! Yes I know you don't do that but..." i trailed off. "it's a long story."

Ev pointed her index finger to herself and said, "I have time"

I sighed and picked up the notebook from the floor and kept it on my study table. I know my sister well enough to say that I can't escape her now.  She won't leave unless I tell her the whole freaking story.

I sat on my bed on the opposite side of Ev and took a deep breath as I got ready to tell her about the hell hole I've experienced not many hours ago.


I stepped on an autumn leaf  satisfied as it made a crunchy sound under my feet. I took another bite out of my oreo ice cream we just bought from a shop near the corner.

"....from pre-school" I heard him say next to me. Actually I wasn't paying any attention to what he said because I zoned out.

I hummed acknowledging  that I heard him. But I think I had hummed dreamily because he had come a stop  near the curb and I was walking without even knowing. As I realised this, I  came to an abrupt stop and turned around to see an unimpressed scowl on Luke's face. I smiled sheepishly him. He took long strides and was next to me again within seconds.

A small laugh escaped his lips which, as always, melted my heart as the ice cream which was in my hand. I turned to face him with confused expression on my face.

" should see you face"  he cooed.

"What do you mean Luke? " I asked him as I took another bite from my ice cream.

My stomach churned as he came closer to me. I mean so close because I could feel his breath fanning my neck.

My breath hitched as he turned my face to look at him. I was staring at my ice cream suddenly interested in it because I couldn't dare to look at his eyes I knew I'd get lost in. He lifted his hand  which was not occupied with his own ice cream  and  gently touched my nose.

"What-" I stopped  asking as realisation hit me. "Oh.." I whispered,  feeling myself blush from embarrassment.

"You had Icecream on your nose." He said a small smile playing on his lips.

I looked at my feet, embarrassed.
Wait- why is he still so close. Oh come on Luke! Take a step back! I mentally cursed.

I couldn't believe what he did next.
He  snaked an arm around my waist and gently  pulled me to him.

What the heck! Don't do this to me, please..

I forgot he can't read my mind. Because what he did next was the same  thing I wished that he didn't do.

He bent down to my hight and slowly placed his lips on mine. I was shocked at first because I couldn't get over the fact that Luke Benjamin was kissing  me and not just any kiss, it was my first kiss and it was from the person I loved the most, my crush and also who I called my best friend  since 5th grade.

I quickly recovered from my thoughts and returned the kiss before he felt like he was invading my space and think I was not interested. Believe me, I am.

I melted into the kiss as I ran my hand through Luke's light brown hair which I wanted to do for so long. I tasted some chocolate in his mouth  and I totally forgot about our now abandoned Icecreams. And probably he might also have tasted a hint of oreo Icecream.

Finally  we broke apart gasping for breath.
Aw man! His lips are so soft I could kiss them forever .

Am I his first kiss too? I questioned myself .
I couldn't be ,because he was the guy anyone would fall for at first sight and he could kiss any girl anytime he wanted.

I avoided his intense gaze, now burning the side of my face.
I looked down at my feet and slowly brought my icecream to take a bite so I could at least not talk to him about what just happened.

The air around us dropped  even though this street is practically abandoned, it was not crowded.

I should've known this would happen.
I should've know it would be awkward between us. But he made the first move, I didn't! If I didn't return the kiss, even that would be awkward.

My thoughts were invaded when Luke's phone rang in his back pocket.

He quickly took it and answered, probably to get away with this situation.
"Hello.. oh yeah.. yes okay I'm on my way."
Then he ended the call and looked up at me.

"Umm... I have to go pick Amy from pre-school,  is it okay?  Should I wait till Shawn pick you up?  " He asked.

Oh so that's what he was saying when I zoned out earlier..

"Oh..yeah, I mean- no its okay, I can walk home" I said. 

"You're sure right?"

"Yes Luke." I said rolling my eyes. "And Give Amy my regards."

He nodded, smiling and turned around jogging towards the opposite direction we were walking.

I released a deep breath which I didn't know I was even holding . I thought about our kiss as I  once again brought my icecream to my mouth this time to actually finish it off without any disturbances.  I heard a sound of a car coming towards the street I was walking in.

Well that is weird..Cars rarely drove in this road, because it is now under construction.
When the car honked, I turned around to see who it is out of curiosity.

When I turned around,  I stood there shocked after I recognised the very familiar car and the person behind the wheel ...pissed off.. and I just knew she saw what just happened on the middle  of the street.

I gulped. . "Oh no" I muttered under my breath.

To be continued...

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