47: The Curse

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"Our first ancestor. He wasn't a man of high rank or status. A nobody, actually. He was an orphan and was relentlessly bullied by the rich kids in his area. He worked for a lord. The lord's kids used to bully him day and night, poking fun at him for not having parents, his dirty ragged clothes and his frail body. He was so tired. So tired of getting beaten to death for every small mistakes he did. So tired of all those insults and cutting remarks that rang in his ears day and night. He didn't have anyone in this world."

"Only one person, an old maid used to treat him nicely, perhaps because of pity. She used to give him leftovers  quietly when he had been punished to starve. She used to teach him words and letters. She taught him how to read and write, what little that she knew. She was his hope. But she died one day and after her death, there was no one. He was all alone. The beatings became worse. They were already worse but now there was no one to soothe his wounds. No one to give him food when he was starving. No one who could give a purpose to stay."

"He ran away. He ran away from that place. Days and nights of travelling brought him to a cave. A cave where he found ancient scrolls and writings."

"The Art of War?", I questioned.

"Yes, he learned it from there. He didn't  know who had left those writings or scrolls. But he started reading those and something was magical about them. He could easily understand those writings and they easily became engraved in his mind. He realized that he couldn't forget it and also realized that, everything he had learned was extremely valuable. With that knowledge, he came to Ulsan where a nobody like him rose to fame within years, becoming the General of the Army. He was invincible. Unconquerable. "

"But the power. That's the thing about power. It gets to your head, makes you believe that nothing can ever bring you down, makes you crave for more. He was so consumed by his power that he became evil, haughty and just like those bullies that bullied the weak. "

"He ended up doing a massacre of 20 innocent people. One of them was a man. A farmer who toiled day and night. A man who had a family, who had a pregnant wife who was about to have their first-born child. Her wails, her screams when she found the dead body of her husband still echoes in Ulsan. She gave him a curse."

"You and your generations  to come will have to suffer for what you have done. They will be bestowed with this art of war that you are so proud about. They will have this power and wealth that you have gotten by ruining everyone. But they will be cursed. This curse will  burn their entire existence. They will be born to shed the world with blood and they will end up doing only that. You all will either never experience love or you will experience the most painful and tragic fate of love. Your love will be snatched in front of your eyes. You will watch the love of your life die painfully in front of you, painting your hands with their  red blood just like I have to bear the death of my lover. I curse you all. You will never find peace!"

We have these moments in life where we feel that the whole world is crashing down around us. For me, this moment felt like that. His words echoed against my ears again and again. The curse. The most painful and tragic fate of love. Jungkook-

"No, it's not our fault! It's not, Papa..... It's not fair....", I looked at him with pleading eyes so that he would change his words. But I could see the truth and seriousness in his eyes. He was telling the truth, no. . .I shook my head. This can't happen.

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