Coffee Shops and a New Relationship

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It's an early Saturday morning, the smell of coffee permeating the air around him and the sound of the few people in the store with them. Looking down at his cup, Hajime waits for Nagito to arrive, wondering if this was a good idea after all.

He thinks back to the day before, when he had asked Nagito to come and meet him at this coffee shop, stating that it was for something important. Nagito, seemingly without hesitation, had replied with a yes, and set up a time for them to see each other.

It was at this point that Hajime's thoughts returned to the present, and he began to worry about all the things that could go wrong. What if Nagito doesn't feel the same way? He thinks. What if our friendship is ruined because I tell him how I feel? What if-

Hajime is snapped out of his thoughts as someone pulls out one of chairs at the table he's sitting at, but it only takes him a moment to realize that it's only Nagito. Hajime could already feel his face getting slightly warmer at the sight of him.

"Hey, Hajime." Nagito speaks, a small hint of a smile resting upon his face. "What did you want to talk about? It seemed pretty urgent."

Hajime casts his gaze downward as a small lump begins to form in the back of his throat. Quickly swallowing it with a sip of his own cup of coffee, he finally comes up with the words he wants to say. "Yeah, I'm glad you came. About what I wanted to talk to you about...." His voice begins to trail off. This is it, he thinks. If I don't tell him now, I'm never going to have the guts to tell him.

He takes in a deep breath, and finally looks up. He sees Nagito there, waiting for him to finish his sentence. Gathering up all of his courage, he begins to speak:

"Nagito, for the longest time I've... I've had these feelings about you. I don't really know how to say it, but whenever I see you my heart feels like it's going to burst out of my rib cage. Whenever I hear your voice, I can feel myself become warmer and brighter and happier. Hell, even when I'm just around you I feel like I'm going to start floating away!"

He stops and takes in Nagito's expression. His face is flushed a pale red, and his mouth is open in slight awe. His eyes are wide, and Hajime can't tell if it's from horror or surprise.
He glances down and continues:

"I guess what I'm try to say is-" and it's at this moment that words stop falling from his lips. Hajime can't move his mouth anymore, and it's not a bad thing. Nagito's lips are on his, and he can feel a strong emotion behind it, an emotion he knew all too well at this point.

"Hajime," Nagito says as they finally separate. "Hajime, I love you, too"

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