The awakening

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20 years ago the Uchiha clan were at the top. Most of the top ten heroes were Uchiha and there was only one hero in the top 3 that wasn't an Uchiha, All Might.  But they were always feared for there way of business. They would mercilessly kill someone over petty theft. But one day that all changed when the #1 hero at the time Itachi Uchiha slaughtered them all except for one person his little brother, Sasuke Uchiha.  15 years later avenged his clan by killing Itachi but before he died used the last of his chakra to put him in a tsukuyomi to explain why he killed the clan. Sasuke then swore to protect Japan the same way Itachi did and took his eyes giving him the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan. Then after another 5 years he married a lady named Inko Midoriya and had a son named Izuku Uchiha.

When Izuku is four Inko and Sasuke take Izuku to the quirk doctor but they both knew what it would be and the only good information to them would be what chakra nature's he would have. Izuku was excited because Sasuke told him he would start training him after they found out his chakra nature. The doctor told them that his chakra nature's were fire, lightning, air, and of course he would have the Sharingan.

When they all got home Sasuke decided to teach him the Uchiha's signature move, the Fireball Jutsu. So they both went to a lake and Sasuke showed him the hand signs slowly, Snake, Sheep, Monke, Boar, Horse, and Tiger and he shot out a powerful ball of fire from his mouth. Izuku was taken aback by this as he's never felt so much pressure in his life, he knew his father was strong since he was the #1 hero but this was an entirely different level. "Now your turn" Sasuke said.

Izuku was pretty nervous because he knew he couldn't match what his father just did at least not yet. "Ok" he said. He did the same hand signs his father did and puffed out a pretty big fire ball considering his age even shocking Sasuke. (A/N the power of the flame was equal to little kid Sasuke when he impressed his father) " Well from what it seems I wont have to keep training you on that" Sasuke said with a proud tone. "Why? mine is no where near the size yours is." Izuku asked. "Because for your age the only way to improve this jutsu to increase your chakra reserves. I'd rather teach you new jutsu and moves and have you master them yourself and make them your own." Sasuke said. " Ok then what will you teach me now" Izuku asks " Im going to teach you lightning jutsu." Sasuke says

the next day Izuku woke up earlier than usual to practice the Thunderclap Arrow Jutsu that his father had taught him the previous day. he didn't make much progress but it was progress nonetheless. After he was done he took a bath, ate breakfast and went to school. Since Bakugou was two months older than Izuku his quirk manifested about a month before him and since then he's been arrogant and cocky. Izuku was never really friends with Bakugou because he thought he was to loud and would rather learn more about the world than have many friends. But he had two friends, Ochako Uraraka and his best friend, Kai Akuhiro. The Akuhiro family owns the one of the biggest tech companies in the world. When it was recess Izuku went to the playground to meet Kai. when he got there he saw his best friend getting the absolute shit beat out of him by the Baku squad . Izuku was enraged and felt an itch in his eyes, he was tempted to use the Fireball Jutsu but he knew he couldn't because it would kill them or put them in critical condition. So instead he used the Thunderclap Arrow on Bakugou because he was the main threat, it wasn't strong enough to take him down but it took there attention off Kai.

"OW!" Bakugou said in pain. The three boys turned around to see who did that, two of the boys would've pissed themselves at the sight of a furious Izuku with strange red eyes which they assumed was his quirk. Izuku could beat them had it just been the two of them, but since they had Bakugou and it was a three on one they thought they won before the fight started. " You really think you can beat the three of us just because your eyes changed color." one of Bakugou's lackeys said. Hearing this Izuku went calm with a smirk creeping its way on his face. Izuku knew every thing there was to know about the sharingan so even if he didn't know how to do genjutsu he knew everything they were gonna do and he was good at hand to hand combat for his age.

Furious Bakugou told his lackeys to charge at Izuku, however Izuku saw this coming and dodged all of them. they were all surprised by this but didn't have much time to think as they all got swept from there feet. Izuku was still mad that they had beat his best friend up so once they hit the floor he kicked each of there faces alternating between the three. He did this for a good three minutes before a teacher came out and stopped him.

After the nurses attended to the Baku squad and Kai the principal called the five boys parents.  Each of the Baku squads parents all apologized to Kai's parents for what there children had done but his parents didn't wanna hear it.  Kai's parents had thanked Izuku for stopping the Baku squad before they could do anymore damage to him.   Surprisingly Inko was the last one to show up, probably because Sasuke had a day off and they spent some alone time together.  When she saw Izuku's Newly awakened Sharingan she knew it was more than him talking in class or something.     "What happened." she asked her son.

The principle called Inko into the office and told her everything he was told by a student who witnessed the incident.  After hearing what had happened Inko was proud that her son saved his friend, one step to becoming a hero like he dreamed of.   In the end the entire Baku squad got suspended for a month, Izuku got suspended for 2 weeks since he didn't get a teacher and unnecessary aggression(I know its stupid but school be like that sometimes), and Kai was allowed to get a couple days off to recover.

When they all left Izuku heard so many belt claps from the cars it sounded like the end of a concert. When Izuku and his mother walked into the house He saw his father on the couch watching his favorite anime Naruto Shippuden.   Sensing there presence he turned around and asked what happened. Inko told Sasuke what happened and his newly awakened one tomoe Sharingan , Sasuke was proud of Izuku for what he had done and was kinda glad Izuku got suspended since he now had an excuse to take another 2 weeks off to train his son's and could let All Might pick up the slack.  

Two weeks later Izuku is great at Genjutsu, a lot better than Sasuke was when he awakened his Sharingan and learned four new jutsu.    When Izuku's suspension ended he was greeted by his two friends Ochako and Kai, Kai immediately thanked Izuku for saving him and Ochako surprisingly hugged him making him a little flustered but brushed off that feeling and suggested they go to class.  

The next day it was announced that Kai moved to the rich areas of Tokyo and wouldn't be coming back.  Izuku and Ochako were saddened by this and hated Bakugou from that day onward  because he was more than likely the reason Kai had to move.  

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter give any feedback good or bad to improve the story and tbh i didn't like this chapter cause i couldn't think of a good way to start it off the story and it was pretty rushed but i think the parts will be more enjoyable because i can work off some parts of the original plot and everyone will be significantly stronger than there original counterparts to give Izuku more  a challenge and competition.     

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