Chapter 6-2

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As you entered the heart of Wakanda, you were quickly met by Steve Rogers explaining what exactly was coming. You picked out as much information as you could, but before you could blink, you and Bucky were left out on the aircraft strip with Sam. He poked fun at Bucky and you couldn't help but laugh at his demeanor. You tried your best to make conversation, until a missile struck the dome directly above you. Bucky instinctively grabbed your waist and pulled you to his side with his new arm, even though you knew the dome could withstand a lot more than just one blast, you were grateful for his action.

Just one missile. How naïve of you to think that's all it'd be. Now dozens of alien aircrafts were falling from the sky, surrounding the dome that protected Wakanda. Your heart slammed against your ribs and you realized Bucky still hadn't eased his grip on your waist. You turned to look at him, fear written across every detail of your face. He searched your eyes for a moment before he took his free hand and rested it along the side of your cheek, and in one swift motion he pulled your lips to his own. For a split second, you forgot where you were, you forgot what was happening around you, that the world was literally ending. For that split second, there was nothing and no one, but you and Bucky. He pulled away from you breathlessly and rested his forehead against your own. "Of all the moments you could have done that, you choose the alien invasion?" You said breathlessly.

Bucky chuckled in response, his thumb brushing your lower lip softly. "It's you and me, Y/N."

You pulled back to look at him with a smile and nodded strongly. With that, he gripped your hand and turned to follow Sam and Rhodey towards the perimeter.

You fell in line right by Bucky's side, he kept a hand on you while you watched T'Challa, Natasha, and Steve approach the barrier. You held your breath as you took note of all the monstrous ships that had landed just outside of Wakanda's border. You were so entranced, you hadn't realized that Steve was already coming back. "Did they surrender?" Bucky asked evenly, squeezing your hand when Steve replied.

"Not exactly."

Bucky turned to face you for a moment with unmistakable distress in his eyes, followed by an immediate change in demeanor. It's like he flipped a switch and turned off the fear. His body stiffened and he looked deep into your eyes "This is it, Y/N." He swallowed thickly and continued. "You need to listen to me, okay? If I tell you to run, you run like hell. You get to the palace, you find Shuri, and you hide."

The look you gave him told him that wasn't going to happen, but you didn't argue. You nodded, stood tall, and turned back to face the horde of alien attack dogs trying to force their way through the dome. 

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