Chapter 4: This Is So Wrong

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Ashely's POV:

I knew what he was but didn't leave, I just acted like a normal person. Something about him made me go against my ways and speak to the enemy. If my parents found out, they would surely have my head. Andy was just so hypnotic, the way he spoke, how he focused his blue eyes on my chocolate brown ones. I needed more of him, my whole body just craved to be next to his cold dead one. I've only just met this man, but I feel like we were drawn together like magnets.

"Ashley!" Crystal, one of the bar tenders that was in my pack screamed at me. "What in the hell were you doing outside with that blood sucker!? He could have killed you, ripped you limb from limb while he feasted on your blood!"

"We were just talking, a casual conversation, what's the harm in that. I'm still alive yes, no bite wounds or punctures." I sighed, restocking the glasses under the table. I was about ready take one a throw it at her head for the way she yelled at me. I get it enough at home, I don't need it from my pack.

"Have you not payed attention to the story's your father tells you?"

"Well maybe he's wrong, maybe everybody's wrong about them." I felt a stinging in my cheek as my head snapped to the side. My hair fell in front of my face as Crystal let out a small growl. Her fangs were bared as her eyes turned a golden color.

"You should be lucky I don't tell your father. Now get out of here, I don't want you in my sight right now. Your a weak disgrace."

A small whimpered escaped my lips as I scurried out of the establishment. They were all much stronger then my weak frame, father was so disappointed when he found out I was submissive. He would have disowned me if mother wasn't there to intervene. My brother Kyle had taken over the dominant role, the only one who accepted me for who I am. Accepted me for being gay.

I kicked a can that was resting against to sidewalk, no one was walking around at 3:30 in the morning. My hair hung in my face as I thought about Andy. Why did everyone have to be fighting, couldn't they all just make a mends and be friends again? Even though I've only just met Andy, I already missed his presence. This feeling reminded me of something that I had learned from my elders. Mates. Andy was my mate, that cold blood sucking monster of the night was the guy who I was supposed to met and fall in love with.

"No this can't be right." I whispered to myself, grabbing a hold of my hair. Andy Biersack couldn't be my mate, my mate was supposed to be another wolf, someone like me. I needed to speak to the only person who would help me and not turn me into the council; my elder Mother Mary.

Her house wasn't to far from where I was, only a block or so. The curtains were drawn, the living room light seeping thought the cracks. I raised my fist to the door, my heart pounding against my chest. I was nervous nearly shaking in my boots. I gave the door two timid knocks, stepping back as the door opened slowly revealing Mother Mary.

Her long white curly hair spiraled all the way down to her ribs. Wrinkles creased her face as she pushed her glasses further up the bridge of her nose. She squinted at me, trying to get a good look as her grey eyes searched mine. Mother Mary was one of the elders of my wolf clan, nearing the age of 108. She was kind and caring, always accepted the different and never went by the councils rules. They would protest trying to throw her off her title, but she always held her ground to much of the councils demise.

"Ashley Purdy, I was expecting you to come soon. Tell me son what is the matter." She opened up her door more, inviting me in to take a seat. The smell of cherries filled my nose as I entered her house, taking a seat on the leather couch.

"You were the only one I could come to with this, the others would have had my head."

"It has to do with you mate yes?" She asked coming back from the kitchen with a mug of tea in her hand.

"It can't be right Mother Mary! My mate can't be a's not possible." I breathed out placing my head in my hands.

"Ah but it is Ash you are designed to fall in love with the vampire Andy Biersack. There are proficiency not even your great grandmother know about that I do. It's coming true right before our eyes."

"What are you trying to say? What are these proficiencies?" She gave me a smile, standing up from her rocking chair. Her old legs shuffled to the book case on the corner of the room, a stool helping her to the top shelf. Mother Mary pulled out a scroll looking to be about a thousand years old. She blew the dust off of it, returning back to her wooden chair across from me.

"They are all in here, as foretold by the elders, elders way back when in the olden days. One young pup born on a full moon is designed to me matted with one vampire born on a half moon. In our case, Andy was born a human child, but later changed into a vampire by one of the first blood lines. The two mates from different clans have the power to stop this never ending war between both vamps and wolfs. The only thing is, one may die at the end."

"So you saying Andy and I are each other's mate, we were designed for each other. This bonding will stop the war between vampires and wolfs, making a mends and stopping all this hatred. The only thing is that one of us will die in the end?"

"Yes, and it's possible that one will die, but you two could both possibly live. Also you two have to find each other before you both grow weak, you make Andy strong and vise versa." She spoke rolling up the scroll and setting it on the side table.

"How can I find him Mother Mary, it was just a freak accident that we met up on the roof top."

"He lives on 134 Lane Dr. First apartment building on the right, second floor room 16."

"How did you...."

"Shh." She cut me off, placing a hand on my leg. "Don't question me, just go find him."

I nodded my head, pulling myself up out of the chair giving her a quick hug before leaving. The wind had picked up as I blew on my hands trying to keep them warm. This was all so much to take in at once. Knowing all this made me scared, I could possibly die at the end of this fight. I know I wanted this war to end, but I didn't want anyone to die. Andy proved to me that vampires are not theses murdering monster that our fathers and their fathers fathers told them. Just because one was evil doesn't mean the whole clan of vampires were. As I walked up the stairs towards his apartment, my body was telling me this was so wrong. Yes it was wrong, but my heart was telling me it was all so right.

And there is chapter 4. I was actually going to post this tomorrow but what the hell might as well. Already 130 reads, could we maybe try for a goal of 300 by the end of the week? I know it probably won't happen but I can dream right? So if we can get this to 300 I'll give you guys a little surprise, I won't tell you want it is because that will ruin it. I NEED YOUR GUYS HELP!
Also I want a least 30 reads and 4 votes for me to post the next chapter.
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Have a wonderful night everyone!

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