The New Plan

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"Fuck you feel so good," Chris groaned, his fingers digging into your hips.

You whimpered as he thrust up into you, leaning forward to take your nipple in his mouth. His teeth tugged and it made your clit pulse, your fingers fisting at the sheets in a desperate attempt to tether yourself to reality.

Looking over at the clock on the bedside table, you cursed, even as you ground down harder. "You're gonna miss your flight."

He released your nipple, his hands sliding down your thighs to your knees, adjusting your legs so they wrapped around his waist as he sat up. From this angle he couldn't thrust as fast, but it brought you eye level, his mouth seeking out yours.

Draping your arms over his shoulders and threading your hands in his hair, you whimpered as his tongue explored your mouth. One of his arms wrapped around your back, keeping you pressed close to him, the other sliding between your bodies and brushing against your clit.

"I'm not leaving until you come for me again."

His words were like lighting a match in a gasoline soaked room, your whole body feeling like you'd burn up or combust. The change in position made him move slower, but he was deeper, every part of you feeling full.

"Too many," you moaned, even as you felt another orgasm swelling up.

He'd been at this for hours.

When you'd woken him up this morning with the glide of your tongue sliding up his cock, he'd almost immediately flipped the script, laying you back on the bed and diving between your legs. He'd pulled the first orgasm from you in minutes, and it hadn't stopped since.

Seven weeks. He'd be gone for seven weeks, the longest you would be apart in the six months since you moved in together. Ro was trying to figure out a time to visit, but nothing was final. Most likely you'd just be here, with Dodger and Zeppelin, working from home and waiting for him to get back, maybe able to fly out to visit him if your schedules allowed.

Chris kissed your cheek, your jaw, his lips dragging down your neck until he reached your collarbone, his teeth scraping the sensitive skin there. You knew he didn't want this to end, because as soon as it did, he'd have to go. His fingers slowed their circling on your clit, his already unhurried thrusts almost stopping entirely.

Tightening the fist buried in his hair, you lifted his head, leaning forward until your lips met. The kiss devoured you, consumed you, both of you clinging to the other as his tongue swept through your mouth, taking and taking as you gave and gave.

His phone started ringing on his bedside table, likely his assistant panicking that he hadn't texted her confirming he'd left for the airport.

You leaned away, just enough so that your lips brushed against his as you spoke. "You should get that."

He grunted, shaking his head once and capturing your lips again, letting the phone ring out. When it started ringing a second time he reached backwards with a curse, his hand groping around for the phone while he kept kissing you.

"Be good and keep quiet for me baby," he murmured onto your lips, his words turning you on as you clenched around his cock.

The ringing stopped as he brought the phone to his ear, having already swiped accept. You bit down hard on your lower lip to keep quiet, his eyes automatically tracking the movement.

"I'm leaving in 20."

A frantic voice was coming through the other end, Chris rolling his eyes as his finger started swiping your clit again, faster than before. He tucked the phone between his shoulder and his ear so he could wrap his other arm around you and fuck into you, resuming that torturously slow pace.

The Interview • Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now