Colosseum Of Fools

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Down in the caverns of Hollownest we are placed in a heated dangerous place known as the Colosseum Of Fools. Tiso a traveler of Hollownest was in search of this sacred place soon found it and proposed a plan for battle.

                                       Tiso POV
HAHA I've found the place, I've been looking for! The glorious Colosseum Of Fools, with all it's mighty.
*Walking in*
Why this place looks more amazing in the inside, with the support of a strong structure, that I suppose was made by the king himself. Oh, there is an attendant who is tied up, seems like he wasn't strong or worthy of standing.

Tiso - Hello there, are you the bug who gives entrance to the Colosseum?
Fool - Hi there traveler, you may call me Fool.
Yes, I do keep track of the trails here in our Colosseum and give entrance to the warriors who dare challenge this here sacred place.
Tiso - Ah well, Fool may I enter a trail into this Colosseum to prove my strength and worth. (Unlike you, weak bug.)
Fool - Yes,  I can traveler but at a price for each and every trial.
Tiso - That is fine, I came prepared as I would expect this from such a fine place. What are the cost of each Trial?
Fool - Our first trial cost 100 geo, our second 450 geo and finally our toughest trail yet, 800 geo.
Tiso - Hm that much for the trials? Why that isn't much.
Fool - Even so, these trials will leave a huge impact on you in many ways you may not expect it.
Tiso - Psh okay. Am a great warrior that I won't have such problems occur in battle. The only impact I will have is glory and praise for me!
Fool - Well suit yourself with your imagination.
You should at least take time below in the pit to rest and meet other challengers and such. You've had a long journey to get here so don't make it your last.
Tiso - Fine I will be back.

Tiso POV

What does that Fool mean "don't make it your last"?Why I've been on many journey and I don't intent on stopping! Does he really think I would die here? Like look at him! I think he's the one who's going to die being a slave here.
Am not going to be mad for something that isn't important now. seems like there is an empty bench up ahead, down here so I suppose I may rest before I head into battle.
*Sits down*
There are others here who look strong with armor and seem like they have the same intentions as me. I will speak to them to learn more information about this place and themselves for my advantage.

[After speaking with some of the Fools in the pit]'s a mistake to be here they say. This is the harshest and deadliest place to be with all the death rates here they said.

GAH well I'll prove them that I can handle this struggle. I'll make a brilliant plan that can whist stan any of these foolish bugs that think they will slay me.

[After making a brilliant plan]

Alright am going to head out there a show them wh-

Bartender - Why hello there traveler care to have a drink before heading out to the big arena.
Tiso - A drink? Now? Surely not, as I will not be well in the arena.
Bartender - Yeah, but don't you think you deserve a award for being here in all your glory.
Tiso - (All my glory)...Oh well I would think I need to have a glorious battle first before earning a drink with my glory.
Bartender - Come on tough guy can't you handle a little drink? For the battle and glory ahead of you!
Tiso - (Who is this bug? I said no yet they keep claiming me as a fierce warrior who should drink before battle. Maybe I should take a challenge?)
*Sigh* One little drink..?
Bartender - Ha you won't regret it! It will boost you up!

Tiso POV
When they handed me my drink I gave them a uncertain thanks and geo. I climbed up above to the tied fool to pay my entrance fee and to then stand before the gate to the colosseum. I hate to admit but I was nervous about going but I tried drowning that thought as it was too late now to quit. I came here for a reason and I will not back down. That's when I remember the drink I was still holding in hand with my shield in the other. To be honest I don't remember the last time I ordered a drink.
The bartender did say that it would boost me up in battle, so perhaps it wouldn't be a bad idea to try it.

That was the biggest mistake I've ever done.

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