hot cool part one

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germany was a really fun and yummy guy who had a wonderful experience with his family. poland was aroused by the way he did his shoes.

the two men were both in a big black hole in texas, the red eyes of a karen was here to stay. poland was looking at a big box of hot cocoa butter on the ground with his lips gently kissing it gently and then he sat himself into his eyes. the thought of being an actor was the best thing ever. he did not say that he had a knife and his leg was bleeding from bleeding and bleeding from his nose. germany was a little bit too expensive for poland but he didn't mind the pain of his bleeding heart and bleeding his bleeding he was bleeding out into his bleeding bleeding. silently yelling at the kids, germany had been so hot and had no pain in this pain but it was still in pain.

a while before he was bleeding out his head back in december.

but now he is gonna shoot again.

the sight of germany's right ear was hot. poland was eating taco tuesday in mexico. the walls are thin so you can see what your mom is doing.

"extra large burger with pepper jack" poland said to the bottle.
"hey man i'm sorry but i'm not gonna barf." the bottle wept.
poland felt bad for the bottle. "i am the day" he quenched his thirst with his bleeding heart.

"from this i can infer that you have a lot of people who don't wanna write smut is the best" germany suggested.
poland was still in a big box. "ok"
together he is a big fan of my chemical romance.
poland was a really yummy yummy taco. germany found this cat poop 🤢. now that poland was exciting for the kids, germany could see that it would be better if they were in their mouths.

our edgelord autopredict

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