let me take care of you

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(NSFW content in this chapter) ⚠️ 😉

(updated note: no gun related comments pls they're actually annoying asf lol the time will come when it comes, pls be patient xoxo)


The train was coming to a halt, the screech of metal against the train tracks had acted as a clear sign of that. The captain clasped his hand in yours and led you off the vessel and onto the platform of the station. To lighten the previously somber mood, he had suggested that the two of you head to his hotel room for the night and watch a movie with dinner.

Once you got back to the hotel, you grabbed your clothes to get changed and he popped his head out from inside the bathroom, "I'm about to hop in the shower, wanna join?"

The way he roguishly leered at you painted the picture behind what his intentions were at the moment.

With a tilt of your head, you answered, "It's two a.m. I'll shower when I wake up."

He frowned childishly, "Fine, you just passed up on a good time."

You covered your mouth to suppress a laugh as he sulked into the bathroom. When the sound of the water running could be heard, your attention was attracted back towards the dresser, more specifically, the camcorder sitting on top of it, unscathed from when you looked at it yesterday.

As you slid on your pajamas, you crept your way towards the dresser, eyeing the camera as if it was going to grow legs and run away at any moment.

A million thoughts raced through your head as you gaped at the device. A part of you wanted to pick it up and watch the other hundred or so videos on it, but that would probably take you all night. And while you were in Oikawa's hotel room with him just on the opposite side of the bathroom door, it was probably not the best idea. You walked towards the window of the dark room as you continued to deliberate.

Would it make sense for you to tell the captain you had seen his video diaries for your brother in the span of the past year? Would he get upset? You weren't sure but he had told you about some of the most burning fragments of his past. He was honest enough to tell you the parts in his life about you and your brother as well. It would only be fair if you reciprocated the same honesty, even if that meant you tell him about seeing something of his that he did not intend for you to see.

The sound of the bathroom door opening brought you out of your trance and you looked over your shoulder with the rest of your body still facing the window. Oikawa was standing in the doorway, shirtless but wearing red flannel pajama pants. In his hands, he had a small towel which he used to rub his wet hair with. Droplets of water ran down his toned chest as he continued to scour his head with the towel.

He looked up to see you staring and he smiled, "Careful, cutie, or I might forget you rejected my offer to join from earlier."

His expression dropped when without so much as a smile you said, "Tooru."

He tossed the towel on the side and grabbed a black t shirt to slide over his head as he waited for you to continue.

"I, um, I know about the camera," you shyly pointed at the device sitting on the dresser next to him.

His eyes widened as his gaze flicked between the camera and you, "You . . . saw the videos?"

You nodded with half lidded eyes and pursed lips, "Yesterday when I got back from dinner."

"Oh," he said. "Um, I have no idea what to say."

"You don't have say anything."

He was standing across the room with a well amount of distance between the two of you. More than anything at the moment, you wanted to fill that gap.

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