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Fir the sixth entry, It's a rant for Chapter 28 (recent chapter as of today)!!!! Made by one of my best commenters @rosezzz08 again bestieeee I can't tag you as well huhuhuh. Anyways, you can submit something like this too! Love you all!

Topic: Cheating and being Cheated on


So hey.....

I just finished reading your last chapter and I just came here to say that I can't wait for Jisoo and Jin's dirty little secret to disclose... I know it's gonna hurt Namjoon and everyone and as much as I hate seeing Namjoon cry I just hate when people trust someone blindly not knowing what is happening... Like seriously the love of your life and your best friend I am feeling disgusted even thinking about it.... I get it feelings change you fall out of love but you just can't say you love someone while cheating on them.... It could be guilt or anything towards them but not love... In Jisoo and Jin's case it's just their fame and image and the fear of hurting Namjoon and disappointment of their friends...I have never been in love but all I can say that cheating is something I despise the most...

Author's thoughts:
I certainly agree with this. People who cheat are people who have great insecurities with themselves but that does not justify their actions especially if they claim to love the person they cheated on. I just want to say this because I know that for the people who are cheated on, like Namjoon, in this case, it would feel like something seemed to be wrong with you and you start to get insecure of yourself too. I have been cheated (hahaha loser) and i spent almost a year questioning what was wrong with me. My self esteem was ruined. I entered a new relationship with that baggage and it ruined not just me but the person I am with. I wish I knew it wasn't my fault and I shouldn't blame myself for that cheater's actions. They are capable of their own decisions and if they hurt you that's on them. So in conclusion, If you are cheated on and is still on this phase, Baby, it's not your fault. It is his. He has issues (maybe in the head) so STOP BLAMING YOURSELF. Also, if you are cheating, I hope you choke on your sleep. But seriously tho, don't cheat. There is something we call talking and breaking up these days. Heard of em? You probably should!!! All love ❤️

What do you think????

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