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I tap the shoulder of a girl with  fairytale like pink hair, who slowly opens her eyes.

"You're finally awake."

After countless times tapping her shoulder, she finally woke up.

"Dude that's so weird...why are you sleeping in the middle of the street alone, with nothing? Unless- OH SHIT MY BAD." I cuss to myself.

"Ehh?? OHHHHH nonono, I- I don't no, I'm not homeless, I just ended up here..." she trails off.

"...Searching for my apartment! That's right how could I forget, and then...what happened was..." she trails off again.

"And then??" I question.

"...I don't remember-" she says, frustrated. She touches her neck, and flinches.

"There was someone..."

She then starts slapping her forehead repeatedly.

"HEY-HEY! What're you doing! If you forgot, then that's that. Try to remember later. Anyways, uhm..." I say awkwardly.

Gosh who is this girl?? Anyways, I better leave fast, my mom's waiting for me. 

"I gotta go. Take care of ya self, lady." I say as I sit on my bicycle.

I check my wristwatch.

10:23. Ok. Still good. I can make it.

I start peddling away.

...6 mins later


I dash to my mom's place, out of breath.

"I'm here mom-" I say, trying to catch my breath.

"Chaewon. What have I told you. Always arrive on time. I turned down a client today, all because of you. You better not let me down. Now come here and take a seat." She gestures me to sit on a chair right across from her.

I sit down on the chair.

"Yes mom. So, what was it you wanted to tell me?" I ask her, fidgeting my hands.

"Chaewon. I want you to take a job offer. Now I'm aware that you're already taking a part time job at the department store, but I want you to quit that job and work on the new job I'm giving you." She pulls out files and sheets of paper.

"W-what? Mom, I can do the job and my other job-"

"Chaewon." She strictly says.

"The job that I'm offering you is a full time job. " She says coldly.

"Mom what? I can't work full time jobs, I live with dad." I barely manage to utter out.

"Chaewon. How many times must I tell you. He isn't your 'dad' you have a new one now. Adress him as your father." She states.

"But mom-"

"No buts. You will now live at where your job takes place." She cuts me off.

"You still haven't told me what my job is.." I look down, averting her gaze.

"You will be watching over the daughter of one of the world's biggest, most greatest furniture company. The Kim Corps and Furniture Industry. The girl's name is Minjoo. Kim Minjoo. She has two younger twin sisters, Yeri and Yerim. However, you will be only and only guarding Kim Minjoo. You will not let a single scratch or a mark be on her. You will, if it comes to that, put your life on the line for her." She states, clearly, handing me a pile of documents.

Put my life on the life for a random girl I've never even heard of?

Hell no.

Mom never cares about me.

She only thinks of profit, and money. It's unfair.

"That is all. Now here are the additional rules you must follow. The location of where she lives will be on the first page of the document. You will start the job tomorrow, at 8 am. Goodbye." She says as she gets up and leaves.

"Mom-" she left.

It's always like this.

I'm never considered.

My opinion doesn't matter.

Oh well.

I leave the house and hold in my tears. I've trained it by now. How to control my emotions.

Shit Chaewon...time to be logical again.

I have a logical side to me. The side of my brain I always talk to when I feel like I need to take decisions, or whenever I need to think.

And now, I need to do it. The job.

That's just how life is.


I go back to my dad's house, riding my bicycle.

I feel so open whenever I ride my bike. I feel free, as the wind carries away all my emotions.

I reach there, and I open the door using my key.


I know my dad's not here, because at this time, usually on Saturdays, he leaves to visit my grandparents graves.

Damn I've been through some trauma huh?

It's ok.

I open the fridge and get some apple juice, and decide to go to my safe space. My safe spot.

Such a mystery, huh?

I get on my bike, again, as I pedal all the way there. It takes me about 10 minutes or so.


There. I finally arrive.

A huge open grassy field, with absolutely no one, but myself, on the edge of a cliff, with a giant forest surrounding me.

I can cry,



Express all I want here.

So I do, I scream out to the world.



And just like that, the world hears all my worries.


I got conflicted a whole lot today. Whether to split this book, or keep it 1? I decided, after a whole lotta thought with my own logical side (yes I have one :^D) Ima keep it as 1 book!

Do any of my readers have a place they go to when they feel hopeless, or want to express their emotions, or just chill? 👀

I want to keep my books kinda pro so ima not have an author's note like I always do :(( sorry :((

Have a good day as always, Goners! <33

Cowards Lie [YulYen, Chaekura, Annyeongz, and 2kim]Where stories live. Discover now