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"Tor... Stop it, at least let me open the door" the keys in my hands were not cooperating with me to get into the doorknob, is it because of the bloody Mary I had at the party? Or is it because the love of my life would not stop trying to kiss my neck while he is latched onto me like velcro? I don't know.

"Hmm...P'Fight, is this not what you always wanted? Let me hug you... And kissh you pwease... Mwah...mmwwahh... P'Fight don't try to get away from me" Tutor said

Oh god, why does he have to be so cute? Yes, I have always wanted Tutor's attention, yes I've always tried to flirt with him and tease him on every opportunity I get, yet he has never shown a little bit of interest in me... I mean like never. That's why he is more special to me, no matter what I do, he never gives a damn about me, and I kind of like that. I know I am weird, but trust me it's only about him, I can do anything for him and will continue what I am doing until the day he finally realizes that he is going to be mine forever and he has no way out.

I stepped into my apartment, with my drunken love in my arms. I never knew he could be so touchy and clingy when he is drunk.

"C'mon P'Fight... Kissh me pwease"

"Oh trust me, honey, I really want to... I've wanted to do it my whole life, but this is just not the right time. You are drunk for fuck's sake and you are not yourself right now. Who asked you to drink so much? This is not like you Tor... Thank goodness I got there before some other pervert from our office got to you, shit I would have killed someone if you were like this with them... Tor ... Hmph ..stop touching there"

"P'Fight gimme mmm" Tor pouted, his red plumpy lips inches away from my face and I am pinned to the wall with him completely latched onto me with his one hand on my fly and another one clutching my collar.

I tried to move back to avoid his kiss as much as possible, but the wall behind me was not helping. When I almost thought he was going to kiss me, all I could think of was, years and years of longing for his lips and this is not how I imagined our first kiss to be, I at least want him to be aware that he is about to kiss me.

I tried to turn away my face, but come on, it is Tutor, the love of my life, my soulmate, my everything was trying to kiss me and how could I turn my face all the way, he is going to touch my lip... Almost... Only a thread width away... And he passed out.

We didn't kiss, I am relieved and disappointed at the same time. I don't know why, but I have so many emotions going through me right now. He is the cutest, I always wanted him to be clingy to me just like the way we were during our childhood. But at the same time, he is drunk right now, I shouldn't take advantage of him. No matter how much I love him, no matter how much I want my first kiss with him, he is currently not in the right mind now. But I don't think it is harmless if I just touched his lips with mine... Just a little closer... Nope's wrong Fighter, you shouldn't do that.

I carried him to my bedroom with one arm around my shoulder. I tried to support him by holding him by his waist and walking him all the way. I could have just carried him bridal style, but I am a little bit tipsy at the moment too, I can't risk dropping him. I throw him on my king-sized bed and turn on the light.

My apartment unit is a little too big only for me alone, the big TV and big couch being unused because I never have movie nights alone. The fully-equipped dream kitchen for every chef which I never use. well I obviously did not buy it only for me Tor is going to move in with me, which will only happen when I show him how sincere I am towards him (which I've always been showing) and well there is another big thing that should happen that is Tor acknowledging my feelings for him and accepting me, which I am not sure is going to happen any time soon.

There is only one room though and I personally supervised the interior with a mixture of black and white, it's mine and Tor's favorite colors, the LED lights which illuminate the darkroom with a dim warm yellow glow. The nightstands beside the bed, one always meant for Tor, the one on the right side holds a red lava lamp on the surface. I bought that for him too, hoping it relaxes him every time he stays over.

Oh yes, Tor stays over a lot, every time he has to run me through the details of the shares and accounts and deals and all that of the company, he works late and just dozes off. He is pretty cute when he does that, just like today all those days I lay him on the right side of the bed and sleep beside him. It is hard, I mean tough... Urgh. What I mean is, it is difficult for me to sleep next to him without touching him, but I know he will be super pissed if I tried to touch him without his consent so I don't do anything except stare at his sleeping face.

I grab a T-shirt of his from my walk-in closet and get to his side of the bed. I try to wipe the sweat and stickiness from his neck with a wet cloth. I know my imagination will run wild if I strip him and wipe his whole body, so I'm just not going to take that risk. But I know I should get him out of that shirt for him to sleep comfortably, I heaved a breath and then calmed myself while telling myself that I shouldn't think dirty and I slowly unbuttoned his shirt, I gulped when I saw his torso, he was just so ethereal. His muscles have definitely grown since the last time I saw him shirtless and that was when he was 14 and I 18. We were swimming in the pool at that time.

I sat him up and helped him wear the T-shirt. While sitting, he whined while keeping his eyes closed. He unzipped his pants, discarded them and threw them on the floor, and went back to sleep with only his boxer. I tried to shake off all the thoughts in my head and headed to the bathroom, hit the shower and when I was done I came back to lay next to Tor with only pajama pants. That's how I sleep and Tor knows it, even though we got into fights too many times because it pisses him off when I sleep shirtless next to him and he wakes up to my bare body first thing in the morning. But I can't help so I just go to bed shirtless even today.

Call me P'Fight [Fighter/Tutor]Where stories live. Discover now