Movie Night

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Ohm secretly smile when Fluke shriek and hide on his side. They are currently watching "The Nun".

They are all in the living room while drinking beers. To his surprise, Boston and Boun arrived the following day.

Him, Kao and Boston laugh when Boun shriek and curse when Valak the ghost in the movie shows up. They watch another old movie, Silent Hill.  They are already in the middle of the movie when he notice Fluke is no longer hiding nor shouting instead steady on his side.

When he look down, Fluke already fall asleep. His arms wrap on the waist to pull him closer. The younger snuggle on his side.

He use his left hand to drink his beer. He probably will not drink anymore because he needs to bring Fluke to his room.

"Kao, you better wake Fluke up so he can sleep comfortably on his room", Boun suggest when he notice Fluke sleeping.


"No need to wake him up. I'll bring him to his room", Kao snicker then look at Boston. He frown but shake his head.

He carefully lift Fluke up and go upstairs. Kao following him.

Kao open Fluke's room. He gently put him to bed and cover him with blanket.
He almost at the door when both him and Kao heard a sniff.

Ohm look back and go to bed, Fluke is asleep but there's tears on his eyes. He frown, where these tears coming from? He caress the brown hair and Fluke move closer to his side, "I'll stay for a while".

He look at Kao and his bestfriend just nod at him then close the door. He decided to lay beside Fluke and look at the sleeping male.

"Why is that sad look in your eyes? Why are you crying? why you're feelin' this way? I hate to see you so down, Fluke", Ohm whisper as he shift his hand from the soft hair to the chubby cheeks.

He smile when small arms wrap on his waist as the smaller body pushing itself to his big one. He wrap his own arms on the small body pulling him closer than before his chin on top of Fluke's head as he lean down to kiss it, "Sleep tight. I'm here".

Loud knocks on the door woke up, Ohm. He check the wall clock and it read 9:27. Sun rays can be seen on the side of the curtain indicating its morning. A soft groan make him turn his head.

Fluke still tuck on bed with him, their arms wrap on each other which make him smile. He slowly, remove the small arms on his waist and then, go to the bathroom. Wash his face and mouth.

Trying to stop from smiling, Ohm slowly shake Fluke. "Fluke, wake up. It's time for breakfast. We will go to the falls", he heard a whine before the younger male stand up and go to bathroom.

After a while, Fluke sit on the bed and about to lay again when he laugh and stop him. Fluke's eyes half close and still yawning, he grab his hand and walk towards the door.

So, they walk downstairs hand in hand. Him, leading and a sleepy Fluke following him which earn a whistle from Boun.

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