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Everyone silent for a while before Kao coughs then Fluke's mom laugh. His mom knows how much Fluke hate everytime someone call him baby so William used it to tease Fluke. William always joke about marrying Fluke.

Fluke drink his hot chocolate when his mom speak again, "Kao, how about you?".

He look at his brother which just shrug his shoulder, "We actually plan to go to the bar as well so might as well join Fluke and William".

Boun, Boston nods then Fluke steal a glance at Ohm which eating quietly. Is the latter feeling awkward? He choke when Ohm look at his direction as if glaring. Huh?

After eating, William grab him back to his room. It's confession time. So, after a while he did tell him what happened these past few months since he got back as well what happened last night when he confessed. Then, they proceed watching movies to remove the gloomy atmosphere.

They both fell asleep and Fluke startle due to knocks. Thinking its his brother he answer, "Come in".

He grab his pillow hard when the one enter is Ohm. Ohm look at his bed then to him, with hard tone he speak, "I thought both of you want to go to the bar. We've been waiting for awhile now. Kao ask me to check on you". Then, turn around and walk out the door.

"Your man is quite pierce, Fluke. He probably the possessive type", Fluke look at his side and see William wide awake.

"Possessive? My man? Did you forget he reject me? He probably disgusted with me", Fluke said.


"What?", he swear William said something but the guy just laugh and walk out his room as well. He then decide to change clothes.

Supposedly, he will just wear a simple long sleeve and pants but when William saw it he push him back to his room and give him some clothes. Now, his wearing a sleeveless black shirt and tattered jeans.

It's ten in the  evening and music so loud. Boun, Boston, he and William is laughing and dancing in the dance floor while Kao tapping his phone. Fluke take a glance on Ohm and their eyes met. His heart skip a beat. Even with the rejection, he still can't help admire Ohm. Wearing a black shirt and black pants.

Fluke bite his lips when a girl in mini skirt with white top approach Ohm. Ohm look at her, shock can be seen on his face specially when the girl hug him.

"Boston, that girl! Let's sit back and gossip", Boun grab Boun back to their table. He turn his back from that sight and smile when William head bang and  stuck his tongue at him. He's glad the bar have a dim light because he knows his eyes is starting to water. He doesn't want to spoil William's night.

After few minutes, he composed himself and the same time, William ask them to rest for a while.

Ohm nowehere to be found. Another pain runs in Fluke's heart.

"Kao! Speak up, whose that girl just now", Boun pestering Kao when Fluke and William sit down.

Fluke giggle when Kao glared at Boun, "Alexa"

"Alexa? Ohm's ex-girlfriend?", Boun shout and stand as if searching at the two.

Kao nod and look at his phone again. Boston smirk then tap Boun, "Wrong. Alexa, Ohm's only ex-girlfriend. After her, there's no else right?".

With hearing that, Fluke's heart broke into hundred pieces.

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