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No one pov
Next morning everyone was freshened up and changed then went on the bus Klee was trying to make a new bomb formula "so the prophecy what's it about?" Sumire asked "well it's top secret but I think I will tell you all after we reach the mansion...." Hatsune said "and then check on thos kids..." Sarada said "I got my belt ready!!!" Sumire said "after that just try having girls night out..." Omai said "yea me , Hatsune , sumire , kyojirin and omai be prepared!! Hatsune the money is on you!!!" Sarada said "I know a lot is gonna be waisted..." Hatsune said "what's a girl's night?" Klee asked "it's something older women do..." Kyojirin said "oh ok!!!" Klee said Hatsune fell asleep on Rengoku shoulder who blush a little bit.

Everyone reached the mansion in Orleans

Everyone reached the mansion in Orleans

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Giyuu opened the door "come on in

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Giyuu opened the door "come on in..." Giyuu saif they came inside Hatsune showed them to their rooms xiao was on the couch cuddling with lumine "is he ok?" Hatsune asked "yea he is ok..." Lumine said Hatsune sighed in relief and pat xiao's head "mom pls don't leave...." Xiao mumbled his hand holding her fingers Hatsune sighed "I won't leave you my child...never will..." Hatsune said then xiao woke up "make me food mom...." Xiao said "sure..." Hatsune said going to the kitchen to make some food.

Hatsune was cooking some food for xiao "xiao..." Hatsune said kyojirou came behined her and hug her Hatsune blushed kyojirou kissed her cheek "is that for the kid?" Kyojirou asked "yea his name is xiao..." Hatsune said then he pulled her close to himself and kissed her cheek making her blush more "Rengoku I can't concentrate on making the food..." Hatsune said then after cooking kyojirou Broke the hug Hatsune took the plte of food to xiao.

Xiao ate it quickly being hungry "omai!!!" Xiao said after finishing then Hatsune took the plate back into the kitchen and washed it then wash her hands and came back to them "mom!! I finally managed to open the scroll!!!" Dainslief said showing her the scroll which was open "what was the password?" Hatsune asked "it was my full name..." dainslief said Hatsune sighed knowing it was true then they went.

Hatsune wad reading it looking shocked " were right..." Hatsune said "so it was like I had expected to be...." Dainslief said "but how did-" "volcan he told me..." Dainslief said Hatsune smiled slightly "I am still afraid..." Hatsune said "venti is the strongest winter Breather!!! She will learn moon breathing in no time!!!" Dainslief said "no I am afraid if she faces uppermoon 1 who has the same breathing as her...she needs to create a new form which he doesn't know..." Hatsune said "it's impossible to create a new form of moon breathing!!! Venti is still twelve year old she has mastered five moves!!!" Dainslief said "dain we need to work fast who knows if muzan finds out about this scroll it will be havoc!!" Hatsune shouted "I know mom!! Which is why I have a plan" Dainslief said "ok what's the pla-" "I have no idea! If it will work!!!" Dainslief said "why are you both shouting?" Kyojirou asked he looked at the scroll and took it "who's venti?" Kyojirou asked "that's me!!!" Venti said coming "your venti..." Kyojirou said "yea!!" Venti said "so this is what you were hideing..." Kyojirou said "yes..." Hatsune said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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