Avengeformers Chapter 22- Happy 1 year Anniversary

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The sun rose high above the Avengers Tower. Despite the fact that it was early in the morning, the light reflected and shined off the glassy city buildings, making the interiors bright as a midnight sky during a full moon. The city was already full of sirens and honking horns, and the sidewalks were lined with people. Buses and taxis filled the street alongside a limited number of cars.

Down in one of the rooms, Hawkeye’s eyes opened quickly. His attention became immediate, as though he’d been awake for hours. Like he had never been asleep. His eyes shifted to the tablet next to his bed on a small table. With a small groan, he stretched out his arms and legs, then turned to it and tapped it. The tablet instantly lit up bright blue and projected a spinning hologram of the time in red. Hawkeye nodded briefly. “Seven thirty… Hmm……” He looked down at the tablet where the weather and temperature were displayed, along with a banner that said, “No current missions from S.H.I.E.L.D.” Hawkeye sighed. “Big surprise…” With that, he tapped the pad off and rolled onto his back again.

The entire tower was silent. Hawkeye found it peaceful not to hear any noise for once. That being said, the sounds of the streets were more audible to him than most days. A small smile crept across his face in relief. I usually enjoy action and excitement, but I guess silence is alright every once in a whi—

“OOOWWWW!!!” someone shouted from floors below.

Hawkeye gave a confused look. He rose up from his bed with just a plain grey t-shirt on and thin baggy black pants to cover his legs. His hair was a complete mess due to bedhead. “Who could that be?” he asked himself. He swung around and touched his feet to the floor, then stood up abruptly and raced out of his room barefoot. “Who would be up this earl—Tony you crazy insomniac! Learn to sleep every few days at the least, will you please?” he grunted. He proceeded to open up the elevator door to the workshop, which was just a few floors below his room. As soon as they opened, he stepped inside and waited for the door to close impatiently.

It took a few seconds, but the doors finally opened up to the workshop below. Hawkeye looked right in front of him, only to see none other than Tony Stark, who gripped his hand tightly and mumbled a string of curse words as he stomped around. Suddenly, Tony stopped in the middle of a curse word and turned to look at Hawkeye with the “oh-crap” look on his face.

“Good……. morning?” Tony said. He released his hand and stood up straight. “Why did you wake up so early?”

“I wasn’t planning on getting out of bed until I heard everyone’s favorite insomniac scream ‘ow’, then came rushing down only to see you gripping your hand and cursing your pretty little head off in pain,” Hawkeye replied sassily. He crossed his arms. “Why are you up? How long have you been up for? And what are you doing with a hammer at seven thirty in the morning?!”

Tony sighed and rolled his eyes as Hawkeye walked forward and past him, up to the table with the hammer on it.

Hawkeye’s mouth dropped open and his eyes widened as he gazed down at everything on the table below. Metallic wrist guards in dark grey with designs of a red widow spider on them, and black boots and gloves with blue electrical currents in them lay next to a black suit with padding in the arms, elbows, legs, and body and back, in the corner of the table. Below that were two red and gold katanas, obviously fit for Tony’s new suit. Below that was a trenchcoat with padding in the arms, elbows, and shoulders, and pants with knee padding. Beside them was a vibranium chestplate, and a metal sort of half bowl-shaped shoulder pad with a strap.

Hawkeye turned to Tony with a still-gaping mouth. “How long did this take you?”

“I….. I stayed……… up all ni………” Tony suddenly fell over onto the table. Hawkeye rushed underneath him and lifted him up and placed him in his chair, then backed away. Tony’s eyes drooped shut. “I spent the whole night making this stuff for the team. That…… over there is………. for you…..” He lazily pointed his arm out to beyond the table.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2015 ⏰

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