Avengeformers Chapter 20

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(Note: Play the music from when Optimus calls out Tony's name in New York to when Megatron says, "This should be interesting...")

“Bumblebee! Ratchet! Cap! Hawkeye! Natasha! Bruce!” Optimus called out through extreme sobbing. “Protect yourselves! I…. I’m going after Tony!”

“What happened?!” Bruce asked frantically. He leaned forward and pressed his hands on the seats in front of him, then stood up as much as he could. “Is he alright?!”

“I will tell you when this…. when this is over!” Optimus said. Suddenly, from his eyes, a drop of oil leaked out and ran down his face. Then another. And more came until it was almost a steady stream of it.

“Optimus! Are you crying?!” Bumblebee asked. At that, the connection was cut off. Bumblebee stopped as did Ratchet. The two of them turned to see each other.

“We can’t stop! We have to go after him!” Bruce shouted. He sat back and fiddled with the buckle until it was unlatched, then rushed outside, as did everyone else.

“Bumblebee! Go after him!” Cap cried.

“Bumblebee,” Ratchet said. “We can’t go after him. Something tells me this is his job and his job alone.” Bumblebee slumped back. “No. We have to keep going our way, but not after him.”

Bruce formed fists with his hands. “Tony….. What happened to you?”

Up in the sky, Optimus raced to New York. Tears of oil continued to fall from his eyes. His sobbing became uncontrollable, and it felt like a sword was stabbed straight through his Spark. No. It hurt worse than that. It felt like his Spark was being torn from him and he was forced to live without it. “Just be alive. Please…” he pleaded. He let all emotion fly out of him without even bothering to restrain it. He turned to the third channel. “Tony? Tony are you there?” There was no response. “Are you awake? Please! Just give me something! Move a finger or… something! Just tell me you’re alive!!!” There was absolutely no response. Not even the sound of breathing. Optimus thought back to all the times he lost his partners, and how he hadn’t cared as much about them. Then pain overtook him even more. “Please Tony,” he begged. “I know you must have survived. You built that suit to be sturdy and protect you from any Decepticons. You have to be alive. You have to…”

Eventually, Optimus reached the city. He looked down below as he hovered over S.H.I.E.L.D. and gazed at the ground below. There lay a bloody, destroyed suit of iron, motionless and unlit. Burn marks lay all over it, and there were damages so deep that some went through the suit and out the other end. Optimus rushed downward.

“Tony!!!!!” he called out. He landed on the ground and ran like lightning to the limp body. He picked him up with his one hand and held him carefully. “Tony!!!!!!!!! Please tell me you’re alright!!!!!!!!!!”

Tony gave no response. His blood seeped onto Optimus’s hand.

“Tony!!!! Wake up!!!!!!!! Please!!!!!!!!”  Optimus cried. He didn’t move. He shook his body violently. “Come on!!! I know you’re alive!!!!! You have to be!!!!! Please just wake up!!!!!!!” There was still no response. Optimus clutched Tony’s body to his and wrapped his arms around him in a hug. “Tony…” He suddenly fell to his knees. A river of oil tears came pouring out from his eyes. “Just wake up and tell me you are alright…”

“He is dead,” someone said. Optimus gasped and turned around, Tony still in his arms. Megatron stood with his sword over his shoulder. “He refused to give me what I wanted, and he paid the price. He wanted his friends to keep living rather than himself.”

Optimus let go of Tony with just one arm, but kept him pressed to his body with the other. With the free hand, he whipped out his most powerful gun and then his sword on top of it all. He jammed it through Megatron’s stomach and heard a small groan from him. Then, with the gun pressed to him, he fired out three times. Megatron flew backward and landed on his back with holes straight through his body. He stood up almost instantly.

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