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Sarada's POV

All the kage's were outside the office and saying goodbye. Bolt was standing far away from us. He was minding his own business and just staring into space. A smile formed on my lips while looking at him. We were about to walk away when a figure landed right in the middle of the kage's. All the protectors were standing infront of their kage's. Bolt was standing at my side. The smoke cleared and we could clearly see who it is. It was kawaki. Kawaki looked at me and said "hello miss Uchiha. I would like to borrow your knight in shining armor for a while". I looked at him and before I could say anything the mizukage said "if you want to talk. Do it in front of all the people present here". Kawaki gave a smug smile and said "I was talking to her. Not you. I have business with only him not you". Bolts smiled and said "what is it". Kawaki smirked and said "I have to take my revenge from you soo". With that kawaki punched bolt right in the face.

He went flying and hit the wall. Before charging again kawaki said "if you want walk away from here on your own then don't interfere". I looked at bolt and saw him wiping some blood from his mouth. How hard can kawaki punch someone. Again in a few seconds kawaki was infront of him. The fight got more and more intense by seconds. Both of them were panting hard. I mean who wouldn't its already bean 4 hours. The surroundings were taking a lot of damage. If they continue this we will need to evacuate this place. All the kage's decided to help bolt. Before they even could charge at kawaki, both kawaki and bolt were gone. I was wondering what happened then it clicked.

Boruto's POV

I took a look at the surroundings and it was taking up a lot of damage. And judging by the looks on the kage's face I know they are gonna butt in our business. So I quickly opened a portal and we travelled to another dimension. I put my hand infront of me as of saying kawaki to wait. Kawaki looked at me confused and said "what". I took a deep breath and said "listen. It will take some time for Jigen to find the dimension we are in. So what I'm saying is let's take him head on. Me. You. And him. What do you say. And don't worry I informed sensei and dad. So we are expecting backup at any moment from now". He was thinking for a while and said "sounds good. Now a plan. All we need is a plan". I chuckled and said "simple kill him. Don't care how we do it. Just in the end he should be the one who is dead". Kawaki nodded and I felt the presence of another person so I launched at kawaki and whispered in his ear "Hey free loader we got company. Keep on throwing light attacks at me until I locate him".

Kawaki was doing what I told and in a few I located him. I nodded and dash I launched at him. Jigen was off guard and I was successfully able to land a rasengun on his stomach. We didn't give him any time to recover and kept on attacking and attacking. I could tell that Jigen was running out of energy and our attakes were taking a toll on him. But we are at disadvantage now. Both of us are running out of energy. We both jumped back and there was a safe distance between us and Jigen. We were launching in for a other attack when I portal opened in front of us and................... 

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