Is this it?

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Boruto's POV

After the portal was gone there stood sensei, dad and Sarada. Wait Sarada. I rushed to her side and said "what the hell are you doing here. The only reason I brought the fight here was to keep you safe". She looked at me and said "well do you expect me to sit at home and relax while you are here fighting". I looked at her and took a deep breath before saying "now is not the right time for this". She crossed her arms over her chest and looked away. God this girl. I looked at kawaki to continue. In one move I grabbed Sarada and landed a few meters away. I hugged her and said "listen princess. It's not that I don't trust your abilities or anything. I know you are a fine kunoichi. But I can't help but get worried when ever you are fighting". She hugged me back and said "I understand. But bolt. I want to protect my people too. I didn't become the hokage just to sit in the office and order people around".

I chuckled and said" Ok your going in. So here's the plan". After I finished explaining the plan we both entered the fight. Kawaki was standing back and looking for an opening, while dad and sensei were attacking non stop. I caught the weakness of Jigen and without a second thought I rushed to the fight. Dad and sensei were attacking randomly but I K own that sensei has figured it out. I attacked his weakness continously. I was able to land a few punches and stuff. Kawaki and Sarada also jumped in to help. While they were keeping him busy I launched at him with my most powerful jutsu. And luckily I was able to hit the right point. I grinned and said "your time is over jigen". I was surprised when he started chuckling. He chuckled and said "you are really strong. You too kawaki. I wasn't able to complete my goal. But there will come more people who will continue this. Mark my words".

I looked at his weak figure and said "so what. We'll stop them again. And next time faster then this". He laughed and before he could say anything kawaki landed another punch and said "he talks too much". We just chuckled sensei opened a portal. We entered the portal and we were greeted by the fresh breezes of konoha. I smiled and brought Sarada's body closer to mine while hugging her side ways. She chuckled and said "What's this all about". I brought her infront of me and hugged from the behind. I buried my head in her neck and said "nothing. Do I have to have a reason to hug my fiancé". She chuckled and said "speaking of which. Have you told Papa". I froze and she said "you haven't have you. Come one we will tell our families together". I nodded and we decided to tell them about this later. Maybe tomorrow.

(time skip).

Sarada's POV

It was midnight and I was drying my hair with a towel. I smiled thinking about how will my life be if I married bolt. We would live under the same roof. Me. Him. And maybe a little me or a little bolt. I wonder what are we gonna name him or her. I was brought back to reality by a knock on my window. I looked over and saw bolt. I opened the window and said "what are you doing here so late at night". He just grinned and entered the room. I sighed while closing my window.

I looked back and saw him taking off his shirt and laying down on the bed. I just shook my head and finished drying my hair. Once I was done I layed down next to him and he scooped me in his arms and hugged me. I returned the gesture and said "now tell me. What's going on in your mind". He hugged me tight and said " I don't know why but Jigen's words are kinda keeping me awake. I'm getting a feeling that this is not over. Is it okay if even after our marriage I keep. Travelling around to find anything related to Kara. Like your dad is travelling". I want him always next to me, but I know I can't be selfish. I also have a bad feeling about this Kara thing so I said "Hmmmm. As long as you return back to me. Oh and in one piece".

He chuckled and said "You got it princess."

A/N : Hey readers. I'm sorry if the chapter is not so good. I'm really bad at writing fight scene so this chap kinda sucks. Gomen. Anyway since this story is coming to and end I wanted to ask you would you guys like a new story of Borusara. You guys can suggest wich type you want. I'll try to make it a good story.

Until next update see ya.

Love ya'll 💕

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