Chapter 1

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"Raghnall, just the Martian I was looking for!" Amity exclaimed as he approached the massive alien.

"Amity, what brings you to our modest spaceship?" Raghnall asked calmly, already used to the hyperactive nature of the little Bellerophonian.

In comparison to Amity's smaller size and bright colors, Raghnall looked like a dark and gloomy giant. However, that never stopped the two aliens from being the best of friends ever since their academy days.

"I was just showing my human friend around the ship. So, I wanted to show her something fun, and what could be more fun than the infinite improbability drive?" Amity said excitedly.

"What indeed?" Raghnall said distractedly.

After all, it wasn't every day one saw humans up close, especially females walking around space stations fully aware of all the different species in existence. Their planet was so utterly primitive that only the rare few ended up in space, making connections with other aliens. In most cases, those humans were just pets of a powerful alien who found it funny to see the weaker beings fumble around with the concept of space travel and alien species.

"A human?" the dark green alien to Raghnall's left said with interest. "How can a Bellerophonian get such a cool pet?"

"Hey! She is not my pet. Gabriella is my friend!" Amity exclaimed, suddenly protective of the tiny human surrounded by the enormous aliens.

Amity's fury was lost on the alien, who approached Gabriella to take a closer look at the unusual treat.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Jignyasu," Raghnall warned his acquaintance.

"Why? Does it bite?" Jignyasu asked jeeringly.

Amity was enraged by his friend being addressed as a mere pet, but Gabriella just stood there, looking at the alien as if he was a speck of dirt under her shoes. His triple size, rippling muscles, and three heads didn't seem to deter her in the slightest. It was something Raghnall couldn't help but admire.

"I am not talking about her. I am talking about Amity," Raghnall said, drawing Jignyasu's attention to his friend.

His skin color was changing from light blue to bright red in steady, consistent waves. It was only a matter of time before his rage was unleashed. Since Raghnall wasn't sure that Amity had ever released it before, he worried about the safety of everyone on board.

"Oh," Jignyasu said, reassessing the situation. "You didn't tell me you knew Bellerophonian royalty."

"I didn't think it relevant. Now, you know as well as I do that if a Bellerophonian prince gets too angry, we are all toast, literally," he said.

"Yes, yes," Jignyasu said, remembering why the royal family was in charge of protecting their planet. Bellerophonians were mostly amicable sorts. However, when in rage, they could burn down the worlds to the ground if need be. "My apologies. I wish you and your friend a pleasant visit."

Jignyasu said it with all the humility that a giant such as himself could muster, slowly retreating from the human. The farther he got, the more of Amity's natural blue color was coming back to him.

"Thank you!" He finally said as if he hadn't almost melted everyone there, including his friend.

"Anyway, Raghnall, Gabriella wanted to know more about the infinite improbability drive. I thought you would be the best person to explain it to her," Amity added, back to his usual cheerful self.

"Alright, what do you know about it?" Raghnall asked Gabriella.

"Only what Amity told me, and that's that it's super cool," she said, looking teasingly at her friend.

"I guess that is true, but it also depends on your definition of cool," he said.

"What do you mean?" Gabriella asked.

"Let's just say that some people would disagree with that," he explained.

"I am not sure I follow," Gabriella said hesitantly.

Admitting to a strange-looking alien how little she knew about this world she had found herself in wasn't an easy thing. However, she knew that Amity trusted the alien implicitly, and that was enough for her.

"Maybe it's best if I start from the beginning," Raghnall said, flipping his tail back and forth. "The infinite improbability drive passes through every conceivable point in every conceivable universe simultaneously. As a consequence, a lot of highly improbable things can happen."

"What does that exactly mean?" Gabriella asked tiredly.

All the aliens she had met so far, except for Amity, had been using complicated scientific terms. She was tired of feeling stupid, of being left behind. For once, she wanted a simple answer to a simple question.

Though Amity had insisted that their visit to this particular ship would be fun, Gabriella wasn't having any fun since the moment they stepped on Unwahrscheinliche.

"Hm, I guess it's almost as difficult to explain as it is to understand," Raghnall said, using his thick tail to scratch the back of his large head. "I think the best way to explain it is just to show you."

"Yes!" Amity exclaimed like a youngling that he hadn't been for hundreds of years. "I was hoping you would say that!"

"Well, being the captain of this ship has its perks. To be able to astonish young minds is one of them," Raghnall said, thinking about the human and how utterly young and short-lived they were. "Follow me, please."

"Where are we going?" Gabriella said as neither of the aliens offered any insight.

"To the hanger. None of the other spaces are big enough to contain what the drive can do," he said cryptically.

"Don't most of the spaceship captains do everything from their control rooms?" Gabriella asked, drawing on the little knowledge she had garnered while traveling with Amity.

"Yes, but I am not most captains, and this is definitely not a regular spaceship," Raghnall said, beaming with pride.

"Trust me, you are gone love this," Amity said excitedly.

With time, Gabriella had learned that they didn't share the same tastes in almost anything. Still, whenever Amity got as excited as he was at that moment, it meant that something intriguing and mindboggling was about to happen.

Thus, she just nodded her head in agreement. It was an action that took Amity a while to learn meant confirmation and not a death sentence, like on his planet.

"Initiate the infinite improbability drive," Raghnall said into the communicator.

"Infinite improbability drive initiated. Please stay clear of the hanger free space. Please be prepared for all the impossible possibilities," a robotic voice said.

At first, all Gabriella could see was a very bright light reflected on the pure white floor of the enormous hanger room. It felt like there was only endless painfully bright space.

However, after a few moments of adjustment, she realized that what was before just an empty space was no longer vacant. In the middle of the blinding area stood a figure that appeared distinctly human.

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