Chapter 1

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Author POV
Y/n is everything the society wants in a woman. She's attractive, Young, has a boyfriend and is well groomed. Atleast that's what they think little did they know abt her inner battle. She was always taught to hide her emotions and keep everything to herself. For years now she suffered on her own. Y/n had no one to confide in. Her parents had groomed her to keep everything in herself.

For years I've kept Everything to myself. I've always been a insecured person and I hate it. No one knows abt my inner battle, no one knows abt my sleepless nights and nightmares and anxiety attacks. My under bags are darker than the state of my soul. The lustre from my ocean blue eyes is long gone. I look so sick and feel even worse. This is killing me, it just gets worse every single day. I can't help but feel helpless and alone and lonely and just... I don't know

I opened the bottle of anti depression pills and took two of them

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I opened the bottle of anti depression pills and took two of them. I am not supposed to take these many pills but there's nothing else I can do.

 I am not supposed to take these many pills but there's nothing else I can do

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I new notification: Signal

Jennie: Hey,Want to go to manicures?
(Text from my best friend startled me)
Y/n: Sure Why not, What time?
Jennie: 1? I can pick you up if you want
Y/n: Perfect. See you soon

I sighed. I wasn't planning on leaving my apartment this afternoon. I knew that I had a New year's Eve party later in the day, so I decided to stay home for the beginning of the day. My social battery drains fast, so I figured it would be best to get alone time.
I got off my bed and started to get ready after few minutes of deliberations.
I threw on hoodie and put my Auburn hair messy. I took a look at the clock and there was no time for make up.

 I took a look at the clock and there was no time for make up

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Ten Minutes later.
Jennie texted to let me know she arrived. I grabbed my coat and keys before leaving the apartment.

Twenty mins later, we arrived at our favourite nail salon, 'nailed it'

"What color are you getting?" I asked herWe stood by the wall with all the color options

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"What color are you getting?" I asked her
We stood by the wall with all the color options. I scanned the colours, unsure which one to pick. I usually get a neutral colour but nothing stood out to me.
Jennie: Sea Salt
She said holding up a bottle of a light greenish blue nail polish.
Y/n: "What should I get? I can't decide"
She scanned the shelf before handing me a pale pink bottle. 'Prim rosè pink'
I nodded, satisfied with her choice.
We walked to the available seats. I handled my nail polish to the manicurist and told her what I wanted, Jennie did the same.
Jennie: So have you talked to him today?
Y/n: of course, he's my boyfriend. Why, Something happened?
Jennie: Nah, I was on the phone call with him earlier today. He seemed very excited abt the party tonight.
Jennie is jimin's twin sister. Jennie, I and Lisa were roommates all four years of college and she was obviously the one who introduced me to Jimin. I met him when Jennie took me home with her or chunseok festive during freshman years.
I recognised him as the hot guy that I liked during my marketing class and apparently he had a crush on me too. We started dating but that Christmas and have been together ever since.
"Really? But it's just a new year Eve party"
I winced as the manicurist poked at my cuticles
Jennie: Ah careful. Just a New year party? Oh come on it's a huge deal just wait until jimi-
She suddenly stopped talking. Her face turned a bright red.
"Wait until what" I asked
Jennie: Until.... You see all of your friends, yeah them.. we haven't seen them in a while now
She responded quickly.

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