Ch 2

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Walking like owning the earth he Head towards the hall under the eyes of all, at every step the anklet makes a sound that makes everyone notice his presence the fragrance of his body can be smelled in the air like a drug  In fact, he doesn't need ...

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Walking like owning the earth he Head towards the hall under the eyes of all, at every step the anklet makes a sound that makes everyone notice his presence the fragrance of his body can be smelled in the air like a drug  In fact, he doesn't need to charm them with the sparkle of his jewelry, his eyes are enough to spin the heart of the stone
"Keep your head held high, your enemies  are watching " the words of his friend ring in his ears, and his heart is squeezed and he feels the bitterness of reality But his face was smiling at everyone who met his eyes
But everyone are snakes that will wrap around his neck any chance they get

As soon as he stood in front of the slender bride who hugged the silk of her body, he smiled tenderly

" Welcome our new princess "
Rita brought a wreath and presented it to the queen to crown the princess of the south
For a moment he remembered himself years ago in a gate no one received him a lonely boy in a white robe without family or presence, rejoicing at his arrival only two shields extending to hug him and enter him his wing
He looked down to calm himself, closed his eyes and took a deep breath

" From now on I am your family husband and king your strange the The shield that protects you my beautiful hyungwon " the man said Kiss his cheek and grope his hair " So swear allegiance to me "

veryone was watching in anticipation But he turned around like nothing happened

" Our honorable presence, enjoy as much as you can, today is a great day for unite kingdoms together " All their cups were raised in celebration, and the sound of musical instruments began

" What your name " hyungwon address her in cold tone without looking at her

" Esabilla my queen " nervously in a faint, almost inaudible voice she answered

" What a boring and classic name "

Esabilla was troubled by how he said it so easily and without caring. She heard a lot about a boy who had become the queen and the power bestowed upon him, and none of what was said bode well, and she remained silent
She peeked at him as he sat in the place of a bridegroom, cashmere clothes and heavy jewelry, a huge crown and flowers, it was a painting like no other, his features are soft and those eyes

" Everything I built was demolished in ten minutes without effort " she thought

" don't worry I am not the bad guy in your Cinderella story I'm glad a new game has been booked for the palace I just hope you're smart enough to stick around for a long time "

  looking her in the eye's, she could see the honisity in the folds of his features Since he entered the hall

" Everyone stand up, the king has arrived "

There is silence again, this time the atmosphere is tense, the sound of shoeing shoes can be heard on the marble floor

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