"I still have have feelings for hi-"

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Jade Pov:
"So girls I got some news." I said bored. They hummed in response. "We're are going back to Pari-" They all stood up. "WHAT!" They said surprised. " Let me fuckin explain first gosh!" I said annoyed. "We're going back cause I got a text message from Alya that there will be a dance contest AND Lie-la started bullying Alya in secret."

I told them. "YES FINALLY we going back to Paris and I wanna beat Lila's ass up right now!" Fallon said angry. " Yeah like who does she think she is?" Tori said annoyed. " WEEEEE!" Cat said jumping up and down on the trampoline.

" Yeah she can't even throw a freakin punch, like girl is fuckin weak as shit." I said angry and annoyed. "We should get ready for tomorrow night." Sabrina said and we gave her a yeah in response.

Next morning ( Airport)
" Girls I'm gonna text Ms. Bustier that we are arriving in like 8 hours. She's gonna read it when it's like 2 or 1 am at Paris. " I told them." Ok, oh and Jade, we got our outfits picked out for class. " Tori said smirking. I smirked back." Good cause I can't wait. " I said and getting a smirk from everyone.

Ms. Bustier Pov
I woke up to my phone ding. "Hi Ms. Bustier it's Jade, we are coming back to Paris😉" I said reading it out making me smile. " I hope they don't do something extra." I said stifling a laugh. " What are you doing up babe?" (😏😏😏😏😏) I heard a voice at the back of me. "Oh nothing got a text from an old student that she's coming back." I said and slept and heard him hum at my response.

(Yes Ms. Bustier has a boyfriend She is young so like she ain't married... YET😳😏I'm so weird 😭)

Fallon Pov (On the airplane)
"Hey Jade.." I said looking at her. " Yeah?" She said confused. " You know Kim right..." She nodded. "Well I still have feelings for hi-" I got cut off with her squealing. " You're not mad?" I said confused and relieved. " No I'm actually happy cause you were down every day and night at Hollywood and I felt bad for you and thought that you missed Kim." She said and hugged me.

"It just hurt that he like the bacon haired girl.." I said making my voice crack. "Shhh it's ok you can get him back. You're Fallon the Fallon West that made everyone one drop to their knees in H.A when they saw you. " She said comforting me." Thanks sis."

" No problem. This is what sisters do. They protect everyone they care and hurt the people who hurt her special people." She said grinning."If he hurts you though just tell me. I will nicely breaks his arms, ribs, mouth, legs, his di-" I cut her off.

"SSHHHHHSHSHH!" I said covering her mouth. Everyone was looking at Jade like she was a maniac. " Stop staring or I'll break your arms too." She said to them. "Gosh sis you gotta calm down." I said frustrated. " And don't think I still don't know that you still have feelings for Mr. oblivious and dense!" I said smirking at her.

"What are you talking about?" She acting confused. "Sis plz it's obvious I see you stalking his insta in class." I said and she blushed a bit. " And if he hurts you too, I won't hurt him kindly I'll hurt him like he just hit hell." I said smiling. "That's my sister!" She said feeling proud.

" Passengers it's the end of the day so you can pull a clip that's at the end of your seat and it will turn into a bed. Have a good night sleep. And for the passenger(s) that are going to Paris you're the first to get down."

I heard the flight attendant said.

I pull the clip and my chair turned into a bed. "Woah cool as fuck!" I said amazed. I heard soft snoring and looked to my side to see Jade sleeping peacefully." Good night sis. And goodnight girls. " I said sleepy." Goodnight to you too. " I heard Cat said tired.

A/n-yeah next next chap will be interesting

Words: 704

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