Blossoming From Zero - Chapter 51

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 ---Thank you to anyone who Reads, Votes, Shares or Comments. It makes my day!---

"Well, I'm going swimming with some friends later today, want to come?" He questioned hopping onto his bed. I looked at my cast then back at him.

"Oh right, sorry." He says, disappointed.

"I couldn't come even if I were healed." I speak quietly.

"Hm why not?" He asked narrowing his eyes.

"I... I can't swim." I admit, after a moment of silence.

"Yeah right." He rolled his eyes, popping out his phone.

"L-Liam, I'm serious..." I respond playing with my fingers. He paused for a moment, placing his phone on the bed. He narrowed his eyes again, trying to read my expression.

"Oh s***, the 'Harvey' doesn't know how to swim?" He asked leaning forward from the bed.

"...The water never cooperates with me." I pout, making an excuse. A large grin swepped across his face.

"You're so cute." He said, jolting from the bed. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and started making out with me. I just shyly held onto his large arms.

"I never expected you to be so talented. Knowing you aren't great at everything makes you seem more human." He chuckled, breaking away from the kiss.

"Are you saying I don't seem human?" My pout returns.

"No, uh that's not what I meant." He spoke, scratching his head. "Your mind just seems like its on a whole other scale compared to the average person." He continued. I don't want to seem needy but that made me feel better.

"Were you always this good at everything, or did you just have a lot of time to practice every skill in the world?" He asked jokingly.

"Closer to the latter. When I spent my days learning useless stuff I noticed I started picking up things faster and more efficiently." I explain. He looked amused.

"Is there anything besides swimming that you aren't good at?" He asked sitting back down on his bed.

"I don't think I'd be a good hairdresser." I begin, listing with my fingers. He laughed. "I don't feel I would be a very good waiter." He snorted at that one. "I can be clumsy." I continue. "And... and there are... some I don't really want to speak about..." I say lowing my head, thinking all my insecurities, about my parents. I was never good at being an optimist, or accepting myself. I didn't think I was up to anyone else's standards.

"I don't want to force you to speak to me but I want you to know I will always be here for you, we are a couple after all." He says, comforting me. He was right, I didn't need to hold thing back from him. 

I told him the whole situation with my parents, he looked pretty shocked. This time I didn't bawl my eyes out like last time, though I did have tears flowing down my face. He embraced me in his arms and kissed the top of my head.

Some time had passed and Liam stood from the bed and made his way to the door.

"I don't want to leave you here all alone." He said with a frown.

"Its really okay Liam. I'll be happy just knowing you're enjoying yourself." I reassure him, giving a smile. 

"You're too good Harvey... I'm a lucky man to have you." He said picking up his phone and a bag up that sat next to the door. He though he was the lucky one? I'm literally living a dream thanks to him.

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