Chapter 20

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"What happened to her?" Nayeon's eyes darted at Jennie's unconscious bruised up body carried by Chuu who has a worried look on her face.

They were in Yerin's house, the house where Jennie was hiding all these years. Jeongyeon has a bleeding head which Seulgi and her twin, Seolhee was trying to aid. Seulgi almost broke her feet. And Nayeon was the only one who isn't badly wounded. (Along with Solar and Moobyul, obviously because they did not fought with anyone at all, they were only there to get and take care of the captured.)

"Can you call for Mister Jiyong?" The cheerful girl looks like she is about to cry while staring at Jennie, "Please, Jennie is bleeding!" It was obvious how she was panicking at this moment.

"Jiwoo, calm down." Seulgi tried calming the girl, but she is still panicking. "Jeongyeon can take Miss Kim to Mister Kwon's mansion while I communicate with him to inform him about Jennie's current state."

Joohyun, who was saved along with Seolhee was just sitting far away from them, crying silently while blaming herself why this happened. I am so useless! I don't understand why I never saw this coming! I.. I could have–

"Bae Joohyun." Joohyun heard Seulgi calling for her. "Stop... stop blaming yourself. You should come with Jeongyeon and Chuu to take Miss Kim to Mister Kwon." Her eyes met Seulgi's eyes who was smiling at her.

"Let's go, Rene. You didn't do anything wrong, that organization did." Jeongyeon tried cheering her up, walking to her and guiding her to stand up and brushed her tearstained cheeks.

Jeongyeon sat holding Jennie's hand with Joohyun and Chuu on each side of her. She clenched her jaw as she tried soothing her aching head.

The four appeared in Jiyong's second mansion (where he is currently staying), there were lots of servants waiting for them from the gates of the mansion.

They were welcomed by a worried looking Jiyong. He can't believe it. Why didn't Jennie fought back?

His gaze then landed on an unfamiliar yet familiar face. Chuu is glaring at him without faltering. Jeongyeon and Joohyun was amused and amazed. She's literally glaring at the most powerful Holder. At Kwon Jiyong. The Holder of Life and Death.

"If something happened to Jennie," Chuu said. "I will end you."

Jiyong nodded, agreeing to Chuu. "Kill me if I wouldn't be able to heal Jennie in a short amount of time."

"Mister Jiyong..." Jeongyeon mumbled. She can't believe what is happening. Kwon Jiyong is not someone you should be giving death threats. And he is not someone who likes being disrespected. But holy shit.

Jiyong signaled a servant to take Jennie to her room. And then he glanced on Chuu. "Come with us inside."

"Daesung?" He called.

The servant whose name is Daesung perked up his head. "Sir Kwon?"

"Treat Jeongyeon's injured head and take Joohyun to our spare room and let them rest." The servant nodded, taking the two with him while Jiyong lead the way to Jennie's room.

The loyal servant laid Jennie on her queen-sized bed.

Chuu looked around the room. The room was painted in black and red combination, a collection of different swords and arrows and bows and, "A teddy bear?" Chuu mumbled, looking at the small brown teddy bear sitting on the bedside table, next to it was a pile of books. History books to be exact. The history books where there is no Julius Caesar's assassination. It's a history book of their own kind.

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