Chapter 25

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"I am the one who killed Jung Yerin, Jennie, I tortured her and let her die slowly."

The words keeps ringing inside Jennie's head. She flew up in the sky, her gaze glaring at Junmyeon. Her older brother chuckled at the reaction he was getting. Provoking her is easier than what I expected it to be.

The black smokes surrounding Jennie turned into a whirlwind with Jennie inside, Junmyeon stared in confusion. He doesn't have any idea what Jennie was doing. Is she trying to kill herself?

Junmyeon just waited, as he waited the whirlwind around Jennie is getting stronger and stronger there even even whitish blue lightnings peeking from the strong whirlwind. Junmyeon clenched his jaw, his brows furrowed. Maybe I should stop her before it became even stronger?

Junmyeon flapped his wings and tried creating a small stone with his palm and threw it but the stone bounced back to him, hitting his cheeks. It cut off the skin of his cheeks, bloods are flowing down his jaw and neck. He clenched his jaw, glaring at the whirlwind.

Everyone's attention focused on the strong black whirlwind, even the other human residents far away from the castle all went out of their little homes just to take a look at the scary whirlwind. They are very scared. They've been here as long as they can remember but they never saw something like this before.

Jiyong and Siwon stopped too, and Siwon is smirking proudly. He knows that it was Jennie who is causing it and he is very proud to be the father of someone as powerful as Jennie. A red lightning came out out of nowhere, it went inside on the whirlwind where Jennie is and there was silence after that. They were all watching as they waited for what's going to happen next. Chuu was awakened up by a loud ringing sound and a huge explosion happened as soon as her eyes darted up in the sky.

Her eyes caught a falling smoking body and she wasted no time in catching it as it's falling down near her. Chuu caught Jennie in her arms but she loses her balance so she fell on her knees but she didn't care about her bleeding knees. Jennie's face is full of scratches and her arms are bleeding. There were smokes around her, but it wasn't the black smokes whenever she's using her power, it's a smoke from the explosion.

Chuu noticed how Jennie's skin is slowly turning into a red color, something from Jennie's back is poking her arm behind Jennie. Joohyun who was fighting just meters away left Momo and went near them.

She slapped Jennie's face which earned a gasp from the devils and from Chuu. "Why would yo—"

Jinsoul was interrupted by Jennie's cough. Jennie sat up, stretching her neck. She looks like as if nothing happened to her, she stared at Joohyun who was giving her a knowing look but she just shrugged.

Before Jennie left, she said something that earned a smile from Chuu before she was taken by the devils along with Moonbyul and Solar.

"I trust you to get my friends out of here, Chuu. And be careful."

Momo glared at Joohyun who was giving her a bored look and they continued their interrupted fight.


Joohyun's back hit the huge stone behind her, she groaned in pain while glaring at the girl in front of her, a smirk forming on her lips.

"I can kill you now," the Japanese girl traced her finger on Joohyun's bleeding cheek, "but I won't." She slapped her lightly.

Joohyun didn't know what happened next when a light seems to be coming out of her cheeks, all she remembered was blacking out.

Momo felt her finger was being poked by lots of needles, she just furrowed her brows and sighed in relief when Joohyun is wrapped around her fingers, literally. Momo gmovrd her finger, Joohyun's knees moved in return.

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