chapter 25

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Jin : this is the temporary hotel we're living in  , I'll buy a house here soon .

Irene : okie .

Irene leaned for a kiss and jin kissed her but backed up asap .

Jin and irene lived in America for 3 years together and they had a son too and one day jin  got a call that his father died then he reached to Korea with his son .

Suho : look who arrived, the one who is the reason of father's death .

The death ceremony took place and jin with his child went to meet his friends .

V : aigoooooo who is this cute child?

All of them went to the kid instead of jin and adored him  .

Jungkook:  he is indeed jin's child , look at the visual.  Oh yeah hyung !!! We missed you .

Now they went to hug jin and jin saw lisa , rosè  and jennie .

Jennie : by the way jin oppa , where is irene ?

V : oh yeah where is she ?

Jin : we .....DIVORCED!!!

They were all taken by a shock .

Jin : I'm okay  dont work, I have my child by my side. 

Lisa : unnie is here .

Jisoo : ........Jin ??

Jin : why did you guys tell jisoo that I'm here ?

Jisoo : first off they didnt tell me you were here and just call me to meet them and second off all why are you here ??

Jisoo:  and who is this child ?

Jin : he's my son , I came because my father passed away. 


Jin's son went to jisoo and jisoo knelt to him and jin's child hugged jisoo like she is his mother .

Jisoo : are you ok boy ? Where is your mother, HOW COULD YOU BRING A BABY ALONE WITHOUT HIS MOTHER .

Jisoo : and .......jin are ok ? I know you loved your father more than anything, you shouldn't suffer alone , it's okay If you want to cry .

Jin took all of them to the funeral and they all bowed to show respect to his father and jisoo went out to the hall for a bit .

Jin : jisoo what are you doing  ........wait are you crying ?

Jin : yaa Kim jisoo . Stop crying and look at me I'm okay .

Jisoo : where's irene , and do you remember how you left me and ran away to America with her .

Jin : who told you about my wedding? And irene had another affair so she and I divorce and she ran away .

Jisoo hugged jin without realizing and backed up then saw jin's child standing .

Jisoo : heyo boy . Just know that you have the best visuals , I wish you were my age so I could Marry you hehe .

Jin : his name is ........

Jin : Kim jisu

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