My Princess in a Red Dress

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Authors Note:

This story is based off of the Merlin Legends

Chapter One:

            Sweat beaded on my forehead and slowly ran down the side of my face. My breath was heavy and it felt as if pins were stabbing my lungs. I gripped my sword and looked up. There stood a boy. I didn't know how he was. He had black hair with dark eyes. He had a slippery smile. He swung his sword. Then there was a flash of light.

            I woke up in a cold sweat. My sides burned and my breathing just made it worse. I slowly moved my hand to my head and wiped my forehead. I turned my head to look at the clock. It was six thirty; time for school.

            I've been having though dreams a lot, but they have gotten worse since we moved. I hated my dad for making us move. It was just my dad and I. I never knew my mom. My dad said that she died and wouldn't say anything farther. You probably think that would bring us closer, but you are wrong, it just brought us farther apart.

             It was my first day in this school and it really sucked, well mostly because it's just like my other school. There are the preps, jocks, nerds, and whatever else you can think of this school had. I sat in the office chairs. The chairs squeaked every time I would move and it made my butt sore. The office was pretty big. There were two desks on the back wall; I was guessing they were both secretary desks. Then there was the sitting area which is where I was. Then in the back were offices. A scrawny woman walks over to me. She had long screaming blonde hair with brown roots. She wore a skin tight pink shirt with a black skirt. She also had black high heels, (personally, I think they were too high). She had brown eyes. They were coated with eyeliner and eye shadows. Her lips were heavily coated with pink lipstick.  

"August Kingsley?" she asked.  I stood up.

"Hi, August I'm Mrs. Bird," she said.

"Uh... hi," I said.  

"We are pleased to have you," she said. I just smiled awkwardly.

"Let me show you, your locker... oh and here is you schedule," she said handing me a piece of paper. I looked at it. Great, I had History first. Mrs. Bird led me to a big gray locker next to a fencing room.

"Here is your combination," she said pointing to the three numbers on the sheet next to my schedule.

"Good luck on your first day," she smiled and walked down the hall way. I opened the door and put my backpack on the hanger. I grabbed my notebook and textbook for history. I was ready to go down to the history room. No one was here yet, well maybe because I was really early. I stopped for some reason at the fencing room. I peered in the window of the door. There were people practicing fencing. I looked away and walked down the hall to the history class room.

            Lunch was ok. I mean, I really didn't sit with anyone. It was just like I pictured it, preps at one table, jock at another table and so on. I was just about to take a bite out of my sandwich when a dark haired boy with big blue eyes sat down next to me.

"Hi," he said. He had an Irish accent.

"Uh...hi," I said.

"I'm Mark," he said putting out a hand for me to shake it.

"I'm August," I said shaking his hand slowly.

"How do you like it here?" he asked taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Well, it's like all other high schools, I mean, look, there's the drama," I said pointing to two girls fighting.

"Well when you put it like that...," Mark said. It seemed like I knew Mark my whole life, but how could I?  I just met him.

            The lunch bell rang and it was time to get back to class.

            I walked into my English class and sat down in the back. Mark comes in and sits down next to me.

"Hi again," he said with smile. Then a girl comes in. Everything stopped in front of me. She had curly brown hair with  pretty brown eyes.

"Who is that?" I said.

"That's Gabriella Brown," Mark said "Don't waste you breath though, she has high standards."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"She is very shallow," Mark said looking at his compassion book. I looked at her again. She was laughing and talking with friends.

"She doesn't look that way" I said.

"Don't judge a book by it cover" he said writing in his compassion book.

It was the end of the day finally. I put my books in my bag and closed my locker. I heard the clashing of metal. I looked in through the door's window. Two guys were fencing. I watched them fight; it was interesting how it worked. I looked down at my watch. I had time. I put my hand on the doorknob. Then I recoiled. I'll watch tomorrow and so I turned to walk away, when...

"Hello," Mark said.

"Whoa, where did you come form?" I asked.

"Well, I moved from Ireland when I was ten year old and..." he began.

"No, I mean why are you still here at school, it's the end of the day," I said.

"Oh, I had to see our history teacher," he said.

"Oh, ok," I said. I looked back at the fencing room.

"Lets go, do you need a ride?" I said, looking back at him.

"Yeah," Mark said nodding his head.

            We threw our bags in the back seat. I jumped in the front seat while he seated himself in the passengers' seat. In my mirror, I could see my reflection. My blonde hair ran to my ears and my eyes were as blue as the Caribbean. My dad used to say that to me when I was little. Ever since we moved here, we cut each other off. Even though we live in the same house, we never talk.    

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